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Leveraging the Power of ArcGIS Online for Land ...

Leveraging the Power of ArcGIS Online for Land Planning & Development

Presented by Robert LaBarbera, GISP

More Decks by Texas Natural Resources Information System

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  1. Topics Covered •  Introduction – Define cloud computing & ArcGIS Online,

    – Learn how BGE services connect, establish groups and view content via ArcGIS Online •  Land Planning and Development Issues: – Communication, – Marketing, – Basic map viewing •  ArcGIS Online Solution – Easy to use and viewed on any OS – Easy to tracks current and future potential projects
  2. What is Cloud Computing? Wikipedia: A computer network that connects

    computer servers together so that an individual can use the server processing power to perform tasks (run applications, store data) that are normally done on a personal computer Examples: 1.  FaceBook 2.  YouTube 3.  Google (Apps) •  Mail, Drive, Play •  Maps/ Earth 4.  Smart Phones/ Pads •  Iphone •  Android  
  3. What is ArcGIS Online? – Collaborative Cloud GIS Platform that can

    be used on: ▪  PCs or MACs ▪  Smart Phones ▪  Smart Pads – Users Publish/Create: ▪  Services ▪  Maps ▪  Applications – Shared Via: ▪  Users ▪  Groups ▪  Other Organizations
  4. Connecting Data to ArcGIS Online •  BGE|GIS uses digital GIS

    layers, •  Publishes them as services on BGE’s ArcServer, •  Links the services to ArcGIS online •  Hosts the services inside Groups •  Users use them to make online maps
  5. BGE ArcGIS Online Groups •  Groups are set up by

    the Administrator •  Users within departments are added to groups •  When users make maps, they save them to their group •  New groups can be added as needed
  6. Viewing Content from a Group •  Any member of a

    group can view group content •  Content can be a map, service, or application •  “Google”style map makes it easy to interact with for end users
  7. Issues that BGE Land Development and Land Planning Faced • 

    Needed to track new and existing projects better, •  Needed a way to show clients where new development could be built, •  Need to determine basic attributes about vacant land such as – Topography, – Hydrography, – Susceptibility to flooding – Future major thoroughfare routes
  8. Solution to Issues •  BGE Business Development provided feedback on

    ArcGIS Online to GIS Manager •  ArcGIS groups were created – Internal staff – Potential external clients – Private group for key stakeholders •  Testing the prototype BGE ArcGIS site – Easier to communicate between departments – Easier to show potential clients where development could occur