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The Future is Now: JavaScript, ES6, and Babel JS

Tim Griesser
February 20, 2015

The Future is Now: JavaScript, ES6, and Babel JS

ConFoo, Feb. 2015


Tim Griesser

February 20, 2015

More Decks by Tim Griesser

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Some New Features • Arrow Functions • Strings / Template

    Strings • Default Parameters • Rest / Spread Params • Destructuring Assignment • Object literal extensions • Modules • Classes • Symbols • Iterators • Generators • Promises
  2. let

  3. let

  4. Modules • Unify the experience of separating & including code

    from multiple files (modules) • Similar to CommonJS • Can work with various module formats (UMD, AMD)
  5. Class Syntax • Syntax "Sugar" to Prototype Classes • Sets

    up proper inheritance chain • Reference inherited methods with super.methodName() • Cannot have prototype or static props
  6. Symbol() • New primitive type, unique • Access control for

    property state • Also used for new protocols "Symbol.iterator"
  7. Iterators • Ability to treat any value as a collection

    with a standard API • Allows for use with for-of loop
  8. Promises, Generators • Simplify Async (callback hell) • Promises: like

    async try / catch in JavaScript • Generators: Async / Await • Utilize iterators
  9. Suggestions for Adoption • Introduce into test suites • Gradually

    introduce different new features • Check support if you have questions
  10. June 18, 2015 "…when the ECMA General Assembly will vote

    on and approve the 6th edition of Ecma-262 and usher in the next era of JavaScript." http://bocoup.com/weblog/stabilizing-es6/