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Tomokazu Kozuma

November 12, 2018

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  1. Kyber Networkͷ࢓૊Έͱ Ginco࿈ܞ D E X r e s e

    a r c h # 2 @ N e u t r i n o T O M O K A Z U K O Z U M A 2 0 1 8 / 1 1 / 1 2 / M O N
  2. ©2018 Ginco, Inc. ,ZCFS/FUXPSLͱ͸ &5) &3$ ,/$ 0.( &3$ &3$

  3. ©2018 Ginco, Inc. ,ZCFS/FUXPSLͱ͸ &5) &3$ ,/$ 0.( &3$ &3$

  4. 5SBOTBDUJPOͷσʔλߏ଄ ©2018 Ginco, Inc. { "from": "0x10d0c14d27b05a791a9f582eb8e744d9f35bf78f", "gas": "0x397fc", "gasUsed":

    "0x30c71", "input": "", "output": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007fa76a26ecab6ed", "time": "484.180989ms", "to": "0x818e6fecd516ecc3849daf6845e3ec868087b755", "type": "CALL", "value": "0x38d7ea4c68000" "calls": [ { "from": "0x818e6fecd516ecc3849daf6845e3ec868087b755", "gas": "0x37b29", "gasUsed": "0x309", "input": "0x70a0823100000000000000000000000010d0c14d27b05a791a9f582eb8e744d9f35bf78f", "output": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007ed93c4222e61c9", "to": "0xdd974d5c2e2928dea5f71b9825b8b646686bd200", "type": "CALL", "value": "0x0" }, { "calls": [{...}, {…}, {...}, {...}, {...}, {...}, {...}], "from": "0x818e6fecd516ecc3849daf6845e3ec868087b755", "gas": "0x354af", "gasUsed": "0x2b6e3", "input": "", "output": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007fa76a26ecab6ed", "to": "0x91a502c678605fbce581eae053319747482276b9", "type": "CALL", "value": "0x38d7ea4c68000" } ] }
  5. ©2018 Ginco, Inc. 3BUFͷऔಘ ,ZCFS/FUXPSL &YQFDUFE3BUF HFU&YQFDUFE3BUF  ᶃ 3BUF,/$&5)

    ᶅ ᶄ HFU&YQFDUFE3BUF  ᶆ 3BUF,/$&5) ᶄ HFU&YQFDUFE3BUF  શ3FTFSWFʹ ໰͍߹Θ͍ͤͯΔ