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Handling Large Data with Python

Handling Large Data with Python

PyCon Italia 2024 Presentation

Jill Cates

May 23, 2024

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  1. What kind of data? In scope for this presentation Data

    can come in many different forms: • Tabular (dataframes) • Images • N-dimensional arrays • Time-series data • Audio and video • Graphical structures
  2. What kind of data? An example of a tabular dataframe

    member_id name age height 1 Joe 47 194 2 Cindy 32 168 3 Roman 11 161 4 Lucy 26 173 Rows = samples Columns = attributes / features
  3. Data have two possible states In motion ETL pipelines Batch

    or streaming processed Examples: Apache Spark, Flink, Beam What kind of data? At rest Lives in data warehouse or static iles (e.g., csv, tsv, excel, etc.) Exploratory data analysis
  4. Data have two possible states In motion ETL pipelines Batch

    or streaming processed Examples: Apache Spark, Flink, Beam What kind of data? At rest Lives in data warehouse or static iles (e.g., csv, tsv, excel, etc.) Exploratory data analysis
  5. Data operations can happen on two types of systems Single

    Node Data exploration and ML modelling Less overhead What kind of system? Ideal for running tasks in parallel High overhead Distributed
  6. Data operations can happen on two types of systems Single

    Node Data exploration and ML modelling Less overhead What kind of system? Ideal for running tasks in parallel High overhead Distributed
  7. Python packages for large data Polars • Pandas • Polars

    • DuckDB • Vaex • Dask • Modin
  8. Pandas v1 • Created in 2008 by Wes McKinney •

    Built around “data frames” and “series” data structures • Represented as NumPy arrays behind the scenes pandas.DataFrame pandas.Series Overview
  9. • Great option for manipulating and analyzing relatively small datasets

    ! Rule of thumb: have 5 to 10 times as much RAM as the size of your dataset • Very strong community, works well with many other libraries (e.g., seaborn, matplotlib, scikit-learn) Pandas v1 Overview
  10. 1) Only load the columns that you care about 2)

    Specify column data types when loading data 3) Down-cast integers and loats 4) Filter irst before merging or aggregating 5) Avoid for loops at all costs 6) Serialize your data Optimization Tips Pandas v1
  11. 1) Reduce memory by only loading the columns that you

    care about Reduces dataframe size by 75% " Original size: 203.8+ MB Optimization Tips Pandas v1
  12. 2) Reduce memory by specifying column data types Optimization Tips

    Pandas v1 Column data types affect memory usage!
  13. 2) Reduce memory by specifying column data types Optimization Tips

    Pandas v1 • Convert string datatypes from “object” to “category” or “string” • Category: a string variable with a few possible values Reduced dataframe size by 20% # Original size: 203.8+ MB
  14. 3) Reduce memory by down-casting integers and loats Optimization Tips

    Pandas v1 Reduces size by 40% (Original size 203MB) Takes up less space than loat64 and int64
  15. 3) Reduce memory by down-casting integers and loats Optimization Tips

    min max int8 -128 127 int16 -32768 32767 int32 -2147483648 2147483647 int64 -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807 min max loat32 -6.5504E+04 6.5504E+04 loat64 -1.7976E+308 1.7976E+308 np.finfo(np.float64) np.iinfo(np.int64) Pandas v1
  16. 4) Filter irst before merging or aggregating Optimization Tips Aggregate

    irst, ilter last 123 ms $ Filter irst, aggregate last 58.3 ms % Pandas v1 2.1x speed up!
  17. 5) Avoid for loops at all costs Optimization Tips Pandas

    v1 & for index, row in df.iterrows(): ' 6) Serialize your data Alternative ile formats to csv include: • Feather —> df.to_feather() • Parquet —> df.to_parquet() • Pickle —> df.to_pickle() • Hdf5 —> df.to_hdf() Use vectorized operations instead!
  18. • Released in April 2023 " • Supports Apache Arrow

    backend - very e icient! • Better support for strings • Better support for missing values • Zero-copy data access • E icient data transfer between different systems The Apache Arrow Revolution Pandas >= v2.0
  19. The Apache Arrow Revolution PyArrow backend outperforms NumPy backend Operation

    NumPy Backend PyArrow Backend Speed Up Read parquet ile 141 ms 87 ms 1.6x Calculate mean ( loat64) 3.56 ms 1.73 ms 2.1x Endswith (string) 471 ms 14.1 ms 31.6x Aggregated count 97.2 ms 39.5 ms 2.5x Aggregated mean 102 ms 70 ms 1.5x First three rows from Pandas 2.0 and the Arrow Revolution by Marc Garcia Pandas >= v2.0
  20. • Created in 2020 by Ritchie Vink • Built around

    “data frames” and “series” (same as Pandas) • Uses Apache Arrow in the backend • Written in Rust • Supports multi-threading • Supports lazy evaluation and query optimization • Streaming API allows for out-of-core processing Polars Overview
  21. Polars Eager vs Lazy Evaluation Eager Evaluation Lazy Evaluation Code

    is evaluated as soon as you run the code Each line of code is added to a query plan rather than being evaluated straight away
  22. Polars Eager vs Lazy Evaluation Eager Evaluation Lazy Evaluation Code

    is evaluated as soon as you run the code Each line of code is added to a query plan rather than being evaluated straight away
  23. Polars Lazy Evaluation • Polars LazyFrames get evaluated lazily •

    collect() materializes the LazyFrame into a DataFrame • Query is optimized behind the scenes • e.g. iltering before aggregating • Dataframes can be converted to LazyFrames by calling the LazyFrame class: pl.LazyFrame(df) Eager vs Lazy Evaluation
  24. Polars Lazy Evaluation + Streaming • Executes query in batches

    instead of all at once • Streaming is supported for several operations: • filter, slice, head • with_columns • group_by • join • unique • sort • explode, melt • ❗ Still in active development Streaming API
  25. DuckDB • In-process online analytical processing (OLAP) database • Created

    in 2019 by Mühleisen and Raasveldt • Written in C++ and has client APIs in several languages • Uses a columnar-vectorized SQL query processing engine • Query optimization behind the scenes • Interoperable with Apache Arrow Overview
  26. DuckDB Overview You can store intermediate queries as variables and

    reference them in other queries ) • Reference variables in SQL queries
  27. DuckDB Overview • Calling Python functions inside a SQL query

    Register Python user-de ined function (UDF) Call the Python UDF directly inside the SQL query
  28. Side-by-Side Comparison Pandas v2 Polars DuckDb Year of irst release

    2008 2020 2019 Latest version* (as of May 2024) 2.2.2 0.20.27 0.10.3 Downloads last month 215.6M 6.9M 3.5M Total number of stars 42.1K 26.6K 17.2K Merged PRs last month 273 255 175 Total number of contributors 3.2K 407 316 *Data was queried on May 15, 2024
  29. Side-by-Side Comparison Pandas v2 Polars DuckDb System type Single node

    Single node Single node Syntax Python Python SQL Lazy evaluation ❌ ✅ ✅ Query optimization ❌ ✅ ✅ Supports multi-threading ❌ ✅ ✅ Interoperable with PyArrow ✅ ✅ ✅
  30. Benchmarking Benchmarking is an art and a science. Proceed with

    caution! My very uno icial benchmark test 3.5GB data local Pandas v2 Polars DuckDb DuckDb (without materializing to Arrow object) Aggregated count 1.18 s 487 ms 770 ms 149 µs Aggregated mean 44.7 s 499 ms 767 ms 148 µs
  31. Summary • Each package has its advantages and disadvantages -

    Pandas v1 and v2 - Polars - DuckDB • Things to consider when making a decision: - Size of data - Learning curve and amount of spare time to learn a new syntax - Knowledge base of contributors and peer reviewers • My recommendation: try them all! Which package is best?
  32. Recommended Resources • Pandas Docs | Polars Docs | DuckDB

    Docs • pandas 2.0 and the Arrow revolution (part I) by Marc Garcias • Apache Arrow and the “10 Things I Hate About pandas” by Wes McKinney • DuckDB: Bringing analytical SQL directly to your Python shell (PyData Presentation) by Pedro Holanda • Comprehensive Guide To Optimize Your Pandas Code by Eyal Trabelsi • Pandas 2.0 and its Ecosystem (Arrow, Polars, DuckDB) by Simon Späti