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12/11/19 - lung anatomy

December 06, 2019

12/11/19 - lung anatomy

lung anatomy and biochemistry - Dr. Reformato


December 06, 2019

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  1. Pharynx  Subdivisions  Nasopharynx  Ends at soft palate

     Oropharynx  Extends to epiglottis  Hypopharynx  From epiglottis to level of cricoid cartilage  Innervation  Sensory: glossopharyngeal (IX)  Motor: Pharyngeal branch of Vagus (X)  Except sylopharyngeus – glossopharyngeal (IX)
  2. Larynx  Innervation  Sensory- Internal branch of superior laryngeal

     Motor- Recurrent laryngeal  Exception! Cricothyroid: external branch of superior laryngeal
  3. Intrinsic Laryngeal Muscles  Intrinsic  Cricothyroid  Lenthen and

    tense vocal cords  Posterior cricoarytenoid  ABduct VC  Lateral cricoarytenoid  Increase medial compression  Transverse arytenoid  ADduct VC  Oblique arytenoid  Constricts distance between arytenoids  Thyroarytenoid  narrows the laryngeal inlet, shortens the vocal folds, and lowers voice pitch
  4. Extrinsic Laryngeal Muscles  Sternothyroid  Omohyoid  Sternohyoid 

    Inferior constrictors  Thyrohyoid  Digastric  Stylohyoid  Mylohyoid  Geniohyoid  Hyoglossus  Genioglossus
  5. Laryngeal Blood Supply  Upper Half  Superior Laryngeal Artery

     Branch of Superior Thyroid Artery <- External Carotid  Lower Half  Inferior Laryngeal Artery  Branch of Inferior Thyroid Artery <- Thyrocervical Trunk <-Subclavian
  6. Pediatric vs. Adult Airway  Large tongue  Occiput 

    Larynx and trachea conical (uncuffed tubes)  Narrowest portion at cricoid  Larynx higher (C4 in peds, C6 in adults)  Vocal cords directed upward in child (horizontal in adults)
  7. β-Agonists  Ex. Albuterol, metaproterenol, terbutaline  At bronchial smooth

    muscle, +cAPM-> -Ca2+ -> muscle relaxation  Β2 selectivity avoids cardiac excitation
  8. Anticholinergics  Ex. Ipratropium  Quarternary ammonium compounds (do not

    enter blood stream when inhaled)  Block cGMP production -> less Ach -> low cholinergic tone, less bronchoconstriction
  9. Steroids  Inhaled (Fluticasone, Budesonide)  Systemic (glucocorticoids)  Increases

    production of inflammatory mediators, leading to bronchodilation
  10. Mast Cell Stabilizers  I.e Cromolyn  Blocks histamine release

    and cytokines for exercise and allergen induced asthma  Possible role in Calcium inhibition
  11. Immunoglobulin E Blockers  Monoclonal antibodies (omalizumab [Xolair])  Prevent

    crosslinking of antibodies and downstream effects  Block release of histamine, leukotrienes,tryptase, inflammatory cytokines,
  12. Lung Transplantation INDICATIONS 1. COPD 2. Interstitial lung disease 3.

    Cystic Fibrosis 4. Primary pulmonary hypertension
  13. Contraindications ABSOLUTE  Untreatable dysfunction of another major organ (Heart,

    liver, kidney)  Malignancy within 2 years  Psychiatric disorder or noncopliant behavior  Substance addiction  Chronic active Hep B or C, or HIV  Significant chest or spinal deformity  Noncurable chronic extrapulmonary infection RELATIVE  Age >65  Unstable condition (shock, ECMO)  Limited functional status  Severe obesity  Severe/symptomatic osteoporosis  Colonization with highly resistant or virulent bacteria, fungi, or mycobacteria
  14. Lung Transplant Variations  Single Lung  Bilateral Sequential (Double)

    Lung  Combined Heart-Lung  Living-related Lobar Transplant
  15. Anesthetic Technique  Double Lumen Ett  Invasive Monitors 

    A-Line, PA catheter, TEE  +/- CPB  +/- ECMO  Respiratory support  Inhaled Agents for Pulmonary Hypertension  Inhaled Nitric Oxide  Inhaled Epoprostenol
  16. Specific Considerations COPD  Hypotension on induction (positive pressure ventilation)

    CYSTIC FIBROSIS  Difficult ventilation  Slower Inspiratory phase and high pressures  Thick secretions PULMONARY HYPERTENSION  Hemodynamic collapse on induction  Right heart dysfunction PULMONARY FIBROSIS  Poor tolerance of OLV