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Ansible, just orchestrate it

Ansible, just orchestrate it

Everyone should be using Vagrant or some similar tool for local developer environment.
Still those containers/VMs need to be configured somehow and on top of that your configuration system should be able to manage your staging and production servers as well, you could be using Puppet, Chef, Salt, shell scripts to achieve this.
Recently a 3rd generation configuration management system has thown its hat into the ring, and that tools name is Ansible.

The talk will show how Ansible approaches configuration management, software deployment, remote execution and other tasks.
We will examine how easy it is to get up and running and manage single or multiple concurrent servers in parallel, what are the differences to Puppet, Chef etc and how to customize Ansible to your needs.

Join us for this talk and you’ll see why this award winning Python project has relevance for your work life through getting your servers under control.

Vranac Srdjan

July 03, 2014

More Decks by Vranac Srdjan

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  1. business owner, developer, consultant, mercenary, writing terrible code that performs

    exceptionally, wrangling elePHPants and Pythons, obsessed with process automation, interested in continuous integration and delivery, clean code, testing, best practices and distributed systems
  2. I'll write code that tells com‐ I'll write code that

    tells com‐ puter how to set up itself puter how to set up itself #!bin/sh sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y install build-essential sudo apt-get install apache2 sudo a2enmon rewrite sudo a2enmod vhost_alias sudo tee /etc/apache2/sites-available/mysite <<ENDOFFILE ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot /var/www Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny allow from all ENDOFFILE
  3. Idempotence Idempotence (/ˌaɪdɨmˈpoʊtəns/ eye-dəm-poh-təns) "Idempotence is the property of certain

    operations in mathematics and computer science, that can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application."
  4. Automation should not require Automation should not require programming experience

    programming experience It It MUST MUST be easy be easy We all have other stuff to do, don't we?
  5. "I wrote Ansible because none of the existing tools fit

    my brain. I wanted a tool that I could not use for 6 months, come back later, and still remember how it worked." Michael DeHaan Ansible project founder
  6. What is it? What is it? IT Automation tool Push

    based (Pull possible) Agentless, no agent on the client, uses SSH Scalable No databases or daemons added after install No Root permissions required, sudo is available Supported package managers for RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, Debian or Ubuntu
  7. Hello, World! Hello, World! $ ansible localhost -m ping localhost

    | success >> { "changed": false, "ping": "pong" }
  8. Facts Facts $ ansible localhost -m setup localhost | success

    >> { "ansible_facts": { "ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": [ "", ], "ansible_architecture": "x86_64", "ansible_default_ipv4": { "address": "", "gateway": "", "interface": "eth0", "macaddress": "22:54:00:02:8e:0f", }, "ansible_distribution": "CentOS", "ansible_distribution_version": "6.2", ... } Plus ohai and facter if installed on remote
  9. Modules Modules accelerate acl, add_host, airbrake_deployment, alternatives, apache2_module, apt, apt_key,

    apt_repository, apt_rpm, arista_interface, arista_l2interface, arista_lag, arista_vlan, assemble, assert, async_status, at, authorized_key, azure, bigip_facts, bigip_monitor_http, bigip_monitor_tcp, bigip_node, bigip_pool, bigip_pool_member, boundary_meter, bzr, campfire, capabilities, cloudformation, command, composer, copy, cpanm, cron, datadog_event, debconf, debug, digital_ocean, digital_ocean_domain, digital_ocean_sshkey, django_manage, dnsimple, dnsmadeeasy, docker, docker_image, easy_install, ec2, ec2_ami, ec2_ami_search, ec2_asg, ec2_eip, ec2_elb, ec2_elb_lb, ec2_facts, ec2_group, ec2_key, ec2_lc, ec2_metric_alarm, ec2_scaling_policy, ec2_snapshot, ec2_tag, ec2_vol, ec2_vpc, ejabberd_user, elasticache, facter, fail, fetch, file, filesystem, fireball, firewalld, flowdock, gc_storage, gce, gce_lb, gce_net, gce_pd, gem, get_url, git, github_hooks, glance_image, group, group_by, grove, hg, hipchat, homebrew, homebrew_cask, homebrew_tap, hostname, htpasswd, include_vars, ini_file, irc, jabber, jboss, jira, kernel_blacklist, keystone_user, layman, librato_annotation, lineinfile, linode, lldp, locale_gen, logentries, lvg, lvol, macports, mail, modprobe, mongodb_user, monit, mount, mqtt, mysql_db, mysql_replication, mysql_user, mysql_variables, nagios, netscaler, newrelic_deployment, nexmo, nova_compute, nova_keypair, npm, ohai, open_iscsi, openbsd_pkg, openvswitch_bridge, openvswitch_port, opkg, osx_say, ovirt, pacman, pagerduty, pause, ping, pingdom, pip, pkgin, pkgng, pkgutil, portage, portinstall, postgresql_db, postgresql_privs, postgresql_user, quantum_floating_ip, quantum_floating_ip_associate, quantum_network, quantum_router, quantum_router_gateway, quantum_router_interface, quantum_subnet, rabbitmq_parameter, rabbitmq_plugin, rabbitmq_policy, rabbitmq_user, rabbitmq_vhost, raw, rax, rax_cbs, rax_cbs_attachments, rax_clb, rax_clb_nodes, rax_dns, rax_dns_record, rax_facts, rax_files, rax_files_objects, rax_identity, rax_keypair, rax_meta, rax_network, rax_queue, rax_scaling_group, rax_scaling_policy, rds, rds_param_group, rds_subnet_group, redhat_subscription, redis, replace, rhn_channel, rhn_register, riak, rollbar_deployment, route53, rpm_key, s3, script, seboolean, selinux, service, set_fact, setup, shell, slack, slurp, sns, stackdriver, stat, subversion, supervisorctl, svr4pkg, swdepot, synchronize, sysctl, template, twilio, typetalk, ufw, unarchive, uri, urpmi, user, virt, vsphere_guest, wait_for, win_feature, win_get_url, win_group, win_msi, win_ping, win_service, win_stat, win_user, xattr, yum, zfs, zypper, zypper_repository 230+ modules and growing
  10. Ad-Hoc commands Ad-Hoc commands $ ansible webservers -m copy -a

    'src=resolv.conf dest=/etc /resolv.conf' www.example.com | success >> { "changed": true, "dest": "/etc/resolv.conf", "group": "adm", "md5sum": "c6fce6e28c46be0512eaf3b7cfdb66d7", "mode": "0644", "owner": "ubuntu", "path": "resolv.conf", "src": "/home/ubuntu/.ansible/tmp/ansible-322091977449/resolv.conf", "state": "file" }
  11. Tasks Tasks --- # tasks/foo.yml # This is a task

    - name: Placeholder foo command: /bin/foo # This is another task - name: Placeholder bar command: /bin/bar
  12. Tasks Tasks --- - name: Installing supervisor task for snapshot

    worker template: src=supervisor.conf.j2 dest={{ SUPERVISOR_CONFIG_DIR }}/{{ item['filename'] }}.conf backup=yes owner=root group=root mode=0644 # located in defaults/main.yml with_items: snapshot_worker_configuration when: snapshot_worker_configuration|lower != 'none' notify: - reload supervisor tags: [supervisor, configuration]
  13. Variables Variables --- - hosts: localhost vars: - greeting: Hello

    tasks: - command: echo "{{greeting}}, {{inventory_hostname}}"
  14. Variables Variables host_vars/production --- snapshot_worker_configuration: - filename: snapshot_worker name: process_snapshot_report_worker

    command: "php process_snapshot_report_worker.php" process_name: process_snapshot_report_worker_%(process_num)02d numprocs: 1 directory: "/var/www/scripts/utils/" autostart: true autorestart: true user: ubuntu stdout_logfile: "/var/log/app/utils_process_snapshot_report_worker.log" stdout_logfile_maxbytes: 1MB stderr_logfile: "/var/log/app/supervisor_error_log" stderr_logfile_maxbytes: 1MB
  15. {{ templates }} {{ templates }} ;{{ ansible_managed }} [program:{{

    item.name }}] {% for directive, value in item.iteritems() if directive != "name" and directive != "filen {{ directive }}={{ value }} {% endfor %}
  16. {{ templates }} {{ templates }} ;Ansible managed: /Users/vranac/dev/playground-ansible/vagrant-ansible-php/roles/superviso [program:process_snapshot_report_worker]

    stderr_logfile_maxbytes=1MB autorestart=True stderr_logfile=/var/log/app/supervisor_error_log process_name=process_snapshot_report_worker_%(process_num)02d stdout_logfile_maxbytes=1MB numprocs=1 command=php process_snapshot_report_worker.php user=ubuntu autostart=True directory=/var/www/scripts/utils/ stdout_logfile=/var/log/app/utils_process_snapshot_report_worker.log
  17. Roles Roles roles/ nginx/ files/ handlers/main.yml meta/main.yml tasks/main.yml templates/ vars/main.yml

    --- - hosts: all roles: - nginx - mysql - { role: app, dir: '/etc/app', ntp: 'n1.example.org' } - { role: special, when: "ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'" } tasks: - ...