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Becoming a Google Developer Expert (GDE) - Paki...

Becoming a Google Developer Expert (GDE) - Pakistan Tech Summit

🔊 Wajahat Karim talks about how and why to become a Google Developer Expert (GDE) in an online event Pakistan Tech Summit organized by Ejad Labs.

👉 Full video: https://www.facebook.com/paktechsummit/videos/289775132212937/?v=289775132212937

Wajahat Karim

June 14, 2020

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  1. Becoming a Google Developer Expert (GDE) Wajahat Karim GDE in

    Android wajahatkarim.com Pakistan Tech Summit
  2. - Google Developer Expert in Android - Over 8 years

    experience in Android - Open Source Contributor - Technical Blogs & Books Writer - Love to share my knowledge with others Follow me on Twitter @WajahatKarim | wajahatkarim.com This is Wajahat Karim
  3. Becoming a GDE developers.google.com/community/experts/directory Attempt # 1 - October 2018

    Less than a year experience Attemp # 2 - March 2019 Eligible but had a medical situation - Needed time Attempt # 3 - December 2019 Eligible, applied, and done with interviews - Now waiting for final results
  4. G D E Google Developer Expert Google related technologies Has

    serious technical knowledge Good at it. Influencer in community
  5. Experts Program a global network of highly experienced technology experts,

    influencers and thought leaders who actively support developers, companies and tech communities by speaking at events, publishing content https://developers.google.com/community/experts
  6. Categories ➔ Android ➔ Angular ➔ Firebase ➔ Flutter ➔

    Web Technologies ➔ Machine Learning ➔ Dart ➔ Assistant ➔ Kotlin ➔ Google Maps Platform ➔ Go ➔ Internet of Things GDEs needed for Pakistan
  7. Loves to contribute to community & giving back. Period. Speaking

    - Meetups, Conferences, Webinars Content - Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Books Open Source - Projects, Plugins, Issues, Samples Community - Meetups, StackOverflow, Mentoring Eligibility
  8. Exams? No Exams It's not a Certification. It's a Recognition

    of your contributions towards community
  9. Ready to apply? Getting Nominated is the half battle. Saad

    Hamid Regional Lead - Google https://twitter.com/SaadGH Contact Saad bhai / Other GDEs / Me
  10. More Details Official - https://developers.google.com/community/experts @WajahatKarim - Becoming a GDE

    - https://wajahatkarim.com/2020/02/gde/ @frosty - Preparing to become a GDE - https://medium.com/@frosty/preparing-to-become-a-gde-752b551c88df @JecelynYeen - How was my 4 years experience as GDE? - https://jec.fyi/deck/becoming-a-gde