Waran Butler (@waranbutler)

65 Follows

Erika Heidi


I like to create, write, and build stuff. Passionate about open source, devOps, PHP, and community <3

42 followers 41 decks

Michelle Schulp Hunt


Independent Visual Communications Designer relocated from Chicago to Minneapolios. Studied visual communications, soc...

24 followers 39 decks

Lemi Orhan Ergin


Lemi Orhan Ergin is a software crafter based in Turkey with a passion for raising the bar of his profession and shari...

139 followers 87 decks

Michael Plöd


Fellow at INNOQ

Speaker at national and international conferences

Based in Nürnberg, Germany

34 followers 35 decks

Phil Nash


Phil is a developer advocate for Sonar and Google Developer Expert living in Melbourne, Australia. He loves working w...

39 followers 100 decks

Speaker Deck


Follow us for new feature announcements and other updates.

64 followers 5 decks

Jonathan Moore


I am designer who lives in code, entrepreneur, and an idea incubator driven to make our world a better place. Founder...

10 followers 1 deck