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The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar- Webinar

The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar- Webinar

Susie Davies-Splitter

August 11, 2021

More Decks by Susie Davies-Splitter

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  1. The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar - Teacher's Notes THE

    DINOSAUR WHO LOST HIS ROAR Teacher’s Notes Written By Susie Davies – Splitter & Phil Splitter Illustrated by Janie Webb This is a rich and exciting story song that is accessible for all young students (3-8 years) to listen, read, sing, move, play instruments and improvise.
  2. What You’ll Find in this Pack Teaching Notes that includes:

    1.Preparing the story with body percussion 2.Telling the story – with story book and ukulele 3.Solfa and Hand signs 4.Lyrics and music for ‘The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar’ 5.Lyrics for ‘The Dinosaur Rock’ 6.The story’s musical form 7.Music notation for: • Chorus 1 arrangement for all instruments • Chorus 2 arrangement for all instruments 8.Instrument parts for Choruses: • Djembe & Vibraslap or kitchen or home made instruments • Melody - recorder, alto xylophone, glockenspiel and Boomwhackers • Harmonies for Choruses - recorder, alto xylophone, glockenspiel and Boomwhackers • Bass Xylophone/ Marimba bordun 9.Accompaniments for whole story: • Bass Xylophone/ Marimba bordun • Ukulele 10.Improvisation sections 1 & 2 11.A lah (minor) or C doh (major) pentatonic scale 12.Extensions – vocal harmonies and progressive dance The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar - Teacher's Notes
  3. The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar - Teacher's Notes Teaching

    Notes Prepare the story – tell the students that Desmond the Dinosaur has lost his roar – and let’s see if we can help him find it again. During the story, Desmond and his friends go on a trip. Some of his friends join the dinosaur orchestra and some of them join the dinosaur dancing troupe to serenade him and send out some positive vibes. • There’s a special part in the first chorus for you to sing and do the actions that go like this – ‘Poor, poor, Desmond, aww!’ • In the 2nd chorus when Desmond finds his roar – you can sing ‘Hooray Desmond – Roar!’ • We can also sing these special hand signs in the Choruses that go like this – see over • For 6-8 year olds – teach this partner clapping pattern if appropriate Click here for this beautiful story book with the audio track https://welcometomusic.net/browse-product-range/
  4. The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar - Teacher's Notes This

    musical story can easily be a theme that carries over 4 or 5 lessons Tell the story using the picture book or video • Students listen during the Verses and sing and do the actions OR do the hand signs during the Choruses ‘Poor, poor, Desmond, Awww!’ OR ‘Hooray Desmond, ROAR!’ • ’The Dinosaur Rock’ chorus – students do the actions and make the vocal sounds. Find our what helped Desmond find his roar. • For 6-8 year olds extension –during the Verses, students walk around the room and over the Choruses they do the clapping pattern with a partner. They find a different partner for each chorus.
  5. The dinosaur who lost his roar © Davies-Splitter/Splitter Verse 3

    – (spoken) He searched on the roof, and he searched on the floor. He searched in his pockets, and he searched in his drawers. Chorus 1 Poor poor Desmond! Awww! Poor poor Desmond! Awww! Verse 1 – (spoken) Desmond the Dinosaur lost his roar. He couldn’t sleep, and he couldn’t snore. Chorus 1 – (sung) - Poor poor Desmond! Awww! Poor poor Desmond! Awww! Verse 2 – (spoken) He searched to the left, and he searched to the right. He searched all over right through the night. Chorus 1 Poor poor Desmond! Awww! Poor poor Desmond! Awww! Verse 4 – (spoken) So he went on a trip to find his roar. His friends came along to help with the cause. Chorus 1 Poor poor Desmond! Awww! Poor poor Desmond! Awww! The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar - Teacher's Notes
  6. Improvisation Section 1 – Trip and searching music – instruments

    and dancers (It was time for Desmond and his friends to go on a big trip – some of them joined the dinosaur orchestra to serenade him on his way and some of them joined the dinosaur dancing troupe to send out some positive vibes). This page in the book has no words. Verse 5 – (spoken) They trekked over mountains, and swam over seas. They searched through craters, and climbed over trees. Chorus 1 Poor poor Desmond! Awww! Poor poor Desmond! Awww! Verse 6 – (spoken) Then came along a big blow fly. Flying and buzzing – my oh my! Chorus 1 Poor poor Desmond! Awww! Poor poor Desmond! Awww! Verse 7 – (spoken) It flew up Desmond’s nose, can you believe! And that was enough to make him ‘freeze’! Chorus 1 Poor poor Desmond! Awww! Poor poor Desmond! Awww! The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar - Teacher's Notes ‘The Dinosaur Rock’ Chorus (this can be spoken or sung) So Desmond reached up, then down to the floor. He shook his head, let out a big roar!! ROAR!!! He turned round and round, then you wouldn’t believe. He blew that fly right out of his nose with a mighty dinosaur sneeze, AHH-CHOO!!
  7. The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar - Teacher's Notes Chorus

    2 – (sung) - Hooray Desmond! Roar! Hooray Desmond! Roar! Improvisation Section 2 – celebration music – instruments and dancers (It’s time to have a big celebration. Some of Desmond’s friends play instruments and some dance). This page in the book has no words. Epilogue – (spoken) So now Desmond had found his roar. There was so much to be grateful for. The earth, his friends and the clear blue sky. But most of all for that buzzing blowfly!! Chorus 2 Hooray Desmond! ROAR! Hooray Desmond! ROAR!
  8. The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar - Teacher's Notes The

    Dinosaur Rock Verse 1 Now Desmond was a dinosaur who lived a long time ago He roamed the land with his dinosaur friends and they all moved very slow Move slowly like a dinosaur One day as he was hunting for some juicy leaves A big blow fly flew up his nose and this made Desmond freeze Chorus So Desmond reached up Then down to the floor He shook his head Let out a big roar (make a big roar) He turned round and round Then you wouldn’t believe He blew that fly right out of his nose with a mighty dinosaur sneeze (make a big sneeze) Verse 2 Now all the other dinosaurs were really quite surprised As they watched Desmond jumping round they couldn’t believe their eyes Jump around with Desmond And when he’d finally finished they stood in total shock Then they all said: “Desmond, can you teach us the dinosaur rock?” Chorus Verse 3 Now we all know that dinosaurs aren’t around these days But if they were they’d move around in wacky dinosaur ways Move around in wacky dinosaur ways Now if you hear a blow fly buzzing don’t reach for the swat It might just be Desmond doing the dinosaur rock Chorus x 2 This song is a lovely extension of the story. For the notated music, suggestions for use, vocal and backing tracks see the ‘Beat Street’ Teacher’s Manual and accompanying albums – https://welcometomusic.net/browse-product-range/ © Davies-Splitter/Splitter
  9. The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar - Teacher's Notes The

    Story’s Musical Form Verses x 7 + epilogue Listen, read, body percussion, percussion instruments Chorus 1 ‘Poor poor Desmond’ Sing, body percussion & play Chorus 2 ‘Hooray Desmond – ROAR!’ Sing, body percussion & play Improvisation section 1 Dance, sing and play A la pentatonic scale – ACDEGA Improvisation section 2 Dance, sing and play C do pentatonic scale - CDEGAC ‘Dinosaur Rock’ Chorus - sing and move
  10. Non melodic percussion instruments OR kitchen/home made instruments Chorus 1

    & 2 and Improvisation sections The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar - Teacher's Notes
  11. Instrument parts for Choruses - Melody Chorus 1 Chorus 2

    The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar - Teacher's Notes
  12. Harmonies for Chorus 1 & 2 for any of the

    following instruments - recorder, alto xylophone, glockenspiel and/or Boomwhackers OR play any of these notes from the pentatonic scale (C D E G A) on the words The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar - Teacher's Notes
  13. Accompaniments- Bass Xylophone/ Marimba Bordun Chorus 1 and Improvisation accompaniment

    Chorus 2 and Improvisation accompaniment The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar - Teacher's Notes
  14. Ukulele Chorus 1 & 2 Play either open strings or

    Am chord for Chorus 1 and C chord for Chorus 2 The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar - Teacher's Notes
  15. Ukulele Play a duck (down strum) mute (strings don’t ring)

    strum or chicken (ta ti ti ta ti ti) mute strum over open strings chord. To mute the strings lightly cover your left hand fingers over the strings. The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar - Teacher's Notes Intro, Verse and Improvisation section accompaniments
  16. The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar - Teacher's Notes Improvisation

    sections First section So it was time for Desmond and his friends to go on a big trip – some of them joined the dinosaur orchestra to serenade him on his way and some of them joined the dinosaur dancing troupe to send out some positive vibes Second section It’s time to have a big celebration – some of Desmond’s friends play instruments and some dance Accompanying instruments can include: Ukuleles – can play a duck (down strum) or chicken (ta ti ti ta ti ti) mute (strings don’t ring) strum over open strings or Am chord Djembes and vibraslap can continue to play the chorus part.
  17. The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar - Teacher's Notes Bass

    xylophone or marimba bordun accompaniments Chorus 1 and improvisation section Chorus 2 and improvisation section Improvising melodic instruments can include: Alto xylophones, glockenspiels, recorders and Boomwhackers. They can improvise using any of these notes CDEGACDE from the A lah or C doh pentatonic scale over 8 bars
  18. Extensions – Vocal harmonies The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar

    - Teacher's Notes (sing 3 parts) Chorus 1 Chorus 2
  19. Progressive Dance The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar - Teacher's

    Notes Verse – R foot forward, step L, R foot back, step L x 8 Chorus – body percussion above with jump. On the second jump, everyone in the outer circle jumps to a new partner on their left Create your own dance and choreography Inner and outer circles facing each other with a partner Extend into a mini musical and performance piece
  20. The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar - Teacher's Notes Click

    here for this beautiful story book with the audio track https://welcometomusic.net/browse-product-range/ ‘The Dinosaur Rock’ is a lovely extension of the story. For the notated music, suggestions for use, vocal and backing tracks see the ‘Beat Street’ Teacher’s Manual and accompanying albums https://welcometomusic.net/browse-product-range/ Resources