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Life Behind The Curve @ Second Wednesday

Life Behind The Curve @ Second Wednesday

The slides for the first full 30 minute presentation of Life Behind The Curve for the wonderful and friendly people who came to Second Wednesday in Nottingham on 14th August 2013

Westley Knight

August 14, 2013

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  1. Life Behind The Curve Or how to keep up-to-date with

    all things web Westley Knight - @meteoracle Second Wednesday - August 2013
  2. A little bit about me Building websites for over 12

    years Married with 3 kids Always worked in an agency I love doing my job This makes me feel old I should probably act a little more maturely The security of a 9 to 5 Proves I’m a proper geek
  3. I used to do it all Web Design DNS Servers

    Email Servers Hosting Configuration Database Design Database Integration Flash ASP VBScript Server Upgrades Software Support Dial Up Accounts Domain Registration
  4. I found my path Web Developer Front End Development Project

    Management Back End Development Database Design Server Management CMS Deployment
  5. Now I have more focus Front End Developer Information Architecture

    User Interface Design User Experience Typography Responsive Web Design Content Strategy This is the big one for me
  6. How things have changed Social Media Manager SEO Expert UX

    Analyst Mobile / App Developer Information Architect Community Manager Professional Blogger Online Advertising Manager Big Data Analyst
  7. What will I be banging on about? How quickly things

    change The amount we have to learn How to keep up in your own way
  8. This isn’t what I started out with Workflows & Processes

    Responsive Deliverables Repurposing Your Tools
  9. Who to follow on Twitter A list of news sites,

    blogs & podcasts Conferences to attend Advice on finding your own sources 78 people to follow 41 in total 46 of them! This is the really useful one What this site tells us
  10. Threatened by the knowledge of others Put myself under pressure

    to learn Been judged for not being ‘up-to-date’ I’ve doubted my own abilities The depressing part
  11. A learning cycle 1. You want to get good 2.

    You want some success 3. You move into another area 4. Rinse and repeat
  12. The young guns There’s always somebody younger There’s always somebody

    hungrier These are the guys who do amazing things with stuff you’ve never even heard of
  13. You have two choices You compete by trying to learn

    everything you can or You can realise that it’s time for someone else to do that stuff
  14. It’s all about acceptance – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow “For after

    all, the best thing one can do when it is raining is to let it rain.”
  15. Learn only what you need Apply new techniques if relevant

    Save articles for future reference Don’t be a sheep! So that’s how it’s done
  16. Don’t worry, be happy “The more I read, the more

    I acquire, the more certain I am that I know nothing.” – Voltaire