di open innovation, programmi di intrapreneurship (es. sprint model), collaboration (es. scouting di nuove idee imprenditoriali), programmi misti creazione di un ecosistema.
supported 8 cross-.border commercial operations activated 17 innovation spaces enhanced More than 100 companies involved in Sicily and Malta 12 new employees of active enterprises Enabling Network-based Innovation through Services and Institutional Engagement tree Malta Enterprise - Malta Life Sciences Impact HUB Siracusa Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector
(CT) Italy Sedi Operative: Catania, Roma, Milano. Dati Societari: REA n. 330059 P.IVA 04921150878 C.S. € 26.250 i.v. Iscritta al registro speciale delle PMI Innovative. Web & Social: www.tree.it twitter linkedin facebook 28 Mirko Viola mirko@tree.it