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DevOps Introduction

DevOps Introduction

A glimpse into what is DevOps and the reasons for its existence

Yamil Urbina

March 23, 2018

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  1. Agile Software Development • Faster sprints • More iterations •

    More open to innovation • Constant improvements
  2. Development gang • Deliver code • Fix bugs • Solve

    complex problems • Some research and innovation on the mix
  3. Operations crew • Receive code from development • Learn how

    to install it on production • First line of support and troubleshooting • In charge of upgrading and maintaining software • In constant learning due to technological decisions and challenges made by dev
  4. QA team • In charge of ensuring software quality •

    Automated tests are run if the team is code-oriented • Very little or no server management knowledge • Depends on DEV for code; depends on OPS for infrastructure
  5. A typical Dev vs. Ops chat • 11:42pm - Dev:

    v1.17.2 is finally ready. Ops should deploy to production
  6. A typical Dev vs. Ops chat • 11:42pm - Dev:

    v1.17.2 is finally ready. Ops should deploy to production • 11:45pm - Ops: Ok cool. Do you have steps or documentation on what changes were made?
  7. A typical Dev vs. Ops chat • 11:42pm - Dev:

    v1.17.2 is finally ready. Ops should deploy to production • 11:45pm - Ops: Ok cool. Do you have steps or documentation on what changes were made? • 12:06am - Dev: Just look at the code, it's pretty explicit
  8. A typical Dev vs. Ops chat • 11:42pm - Dev:

    v1.17.2 is finally ready. Ops should deploy to production • 11:45pm - Ops: Ok cool. Do you have steps or documentation on what changes were made? • 12:06am - Dev: Just look at the code, it's pretty explicit • 12:08am: Dev has disconnected from the chat
  9. package extendedresourcetoleration import ( "fmt" "io" "mysql" "mysql-cool-library" ) const

    PluginName = "ExtendedResourceToleration" func Register(plugins *admission.Plugins) { plugins.Register(PluginName, func(config io.Reader) (admission.Interface, error) { return newExtendedResourceToleration(), nil }) }
  10. • 2:19am - Ops: v1.17.2 is crashing all the time.

    Logs don't say anything. We only updated the code in production :/
  11. • 2:19am - Ops: v1.17.2 is crashing all the time.

    Logs don't say anything. We only updated the code in production :/ • 2:41am: Dev is now online
  12. • 2:19am - Ops: v1.17.2 is crashing all the time.

    Logs don't say anything. We only updated the code in production :/ • 2:41am: Dev is now online • 2:57am - Dev: Did you see the mysql-cool-library we added on this version? It needs MySQL 8. Did you upgrade your database?
  13. • 2:19am - Ops: v1.17.2 is crashing all the time.

    Logs don't say anything. We only updated the code in production :/ • 2:41am: Dev is now online • 2:57am - Dev: Did you see the mysql-cool-library we added on this version? It needs MySQL 8. Did you upgrade your database? • 2:58am - Ops: No. How could we know a library required such a big change? Upgrading the DB is risky!
  14. • 2:19am - Ops: v1.17.2 is crashing all the time.

    Logs don't say anything. We only updated the code in production :/ • 2:41am: Dev is now online • 2:57am - Dev: Did you see the mysql-cool-library we added on this version? It needs MySQL 8. Did you upgrade your database? • 2:58am - Ops: No. How could we know a library required such a big change? Upgrading the DB is risky! • 3:02am: Dev has disconnected from the chat
  15. Software design is more than code • UI/UX • Security

    • Documentation • Testing/Quality Control • Building processes • ...and many more topics
  16. I made this: # app.rb require 'sinatra' set :session_name, settings.session_name

    get '/' do if session? redirect '/profile' else @page_title = "This is my app. It is a good app." haml :alternate end end
  17. My dependencies file # Gemfile source "https://rubygems.org" gem 'sinatra' gem

    'sinatra-contrib' gem 'sinatra-config-file' gem 'sinatra-redirect-with-flash' gem 'couchdb' gem 'haml' gem 'bcrypt'
  18. I kind (kind?) of install my app like this: $

    apt-get install ruby ruby-dev apache2 couchdb couchdb-contrib $ systemctl start couchdb $ cd /Code/app $ gem install bundler $ bundle install $ ruby app.rb & $ systemctl start apache2
  19. Some concerns • What version of Ruby? Apache? CouchDB? •

    How is Apache2 configured? • Are your dependencies versioned?
  20. My NEW dependencies file # Gemfile source "https://rubygems.org" gem 'sinatra',

    "2.0.1" gem 'sinatra-contrib', "2.0.1" gem 'sinatra-config-file', "1.0" gem 'sinatra-redirect-with-flash', "0.2.1" gem 'couchdb', "0.2.2" gem 'haml', "5.0.4" gem 'bcrypt', "3.1.11"
  21. A bash script #!/bin/bash set -e # Install packages apt-get

    update apt-get install ruby-2.5.0 ruby-2.5.0-dev apache2.4 couchdb-2.1 couchdb-2.1-contrib # Configure Apache2 echo "RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]" > /var/www/html/.htaccess # Run the app systemctl start apache2 ruby app.rb &
  22. The DevOps Contract • Let's commit the script to the

    repository • Edit and version the script everytime a big change is made • This cuts the middleman • It will work for everyone
  23. DevOps is cultural change • Silos or groups are a

    bad thing; DevOps strives to eliminate distinctions • A Developer can do Ops, an Ops person can do Dev • People need to think about the whole software design process • Every team member influences how products are finished • Shared responsibility is a must; one-sided decisions have a great effect on software design
  24. DevOps is people management • People don't do what they're

    told; they do what they believe is right. Learn to communicate your goals properly instead of imposing on them • Encourage trust between teams; don't try to find the culprit when issues arise, instead ask people to help you solve problems • Go to standup or status meetings to learn what decisions may affect a product on the long run
  25. DevOps is experimentation • Improving something needs experimentation, research and

    testing • New technologies promise to solve current problems; the only way to verify this claim is implementing them on real applications • This needs time apart from delivering value and maintaining products
  26. The type of IT work for Operations • Business projects:

    Projects that deliver value to the customer • Intertal Projects: Infrastructure and operations projects, internal improvements, CI, repositories, etc. • Changes: Fixing bugs, changing settings and general improvements generated by the previous points. • Unplanned Work: Incidents, fixing problems caused by the previous types of work.
  27. 1. Moving from left to right • Seek profound understanding

    of a system • Never passing defects to the end product Dev ------------> Ops
  28. 2. Moving from right to left • Respond to internal

    and external customers • Improve feedback loops • Where can we improve what we are doing? /-------------------\ Dev -------------- Ops
  29. 3. Embed Continuous Learning • Take risks, reward those who

    fail anyways • Allocate time to research and implement improvements • Teams get better if they make mistakes
  30. Some resources • The Phoenix Project - Gene Kim, Kevin

    Behr, George Spafford • The DevOps Handbook - Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick Debois and John Willis • Puppet 2017 State of DevOps Report