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Introducing Remote Pair Programming in Okinawa.rb

Introducing Remote Pair Programming in Okinawa.rb

Introducing remote pair programming and a tool, ScreenX TV, to show your live coding.

GitHub - ScreenX TV

Demo Video

Rubyist Magazine - RubyConf Taiwan 旅行記

The presentation was given at RubyConf Taiwan 2012


Yohei Yasukawa

December 07, 2012


More Decks by Yohei Yasukawa

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  1. 1. Face 2 Face Communication 2. Version Control System 3.

    Live Coding What makes Pair Programming? Credit: https://plus.google.com/photos/111588019891737132120/albums/5802023564218463857?banner=pwa read write
  2. Problem: Remote Live Coding You need to: have private servers.

    allow others to login via SSH. set up tmux/screen to share screens. It needs your time & money.
  3. What if we have a web service that enables us

    to easily do remote live coding for free? Idea:
  4. Future Works Writing from Web to your local terminal. Private

    broadcasting. Record your code stream. We are now working for: Be more collaborative spaces!
  5. Open Under MIT License ScreenX (internal software) https://github.com/tompng/screenx ScreenX GCC

    Client https://github.com/tompng/screenxtv-gcc-client ScreenX Ruby Client https://github.com/tompng/screenxtv-ruby-client
  6. BTW: RPP w/ Server Setup How We Use tmux for

    Remote Pair Programming http://pivotallabs.com/users/joe/blog/articles/2199-how-we-use- tmux-for-remote-pair-programming- Remote Pair-programming With Screen http://blog.siyelo.com/remote-pair-programming-with-screen Remote Pair Programming with Screen and Vim http://haruska.com/2009/09/29/remote-pair-programming-with- screen-and-vim/ It costs, but gives you more collaborative workspaces!