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技術と意味から捉えるARの活用方法(dotFes2018VIETNAM Da Nang)

Takuto Onishi
September 09, 2018

技術と意味から捉えるARの活用方法(dotFes2018VIETNAM Da Nang)

本スライドはdotFes2018ベトナム ダナンでのセッションの日本語訳バージョンです。


・る https://r-u.co.jp/
・@024t910 https://twitter.com/024t910

・ARKit Examples https://arkit.r-u.co.jp/
・[Example 1]Suikawari https://arkit.r-u.co.jp/entertainment.html
・[Example 2]Runner https://arkit.r-u.co.jp/sport.html
・[Example 3]AR Cleaner https://arkit.r-u.co.jp/utility.html

・[Example 1 "Body-Measuring"] https://arkit.r-u.co.jp/measuring.html
・[Example 2 "Control Robot"] https://arkit.r-u.co.jp/robotics.html
・[Example 3 "Avatar-System"] https://r-u.co.jp/?page=anicon
・[Example 4 "Hologram"] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6dbYRRzjio

・AR Quick Look Gallery https://developer.apple.com/jp/arkit/gallery/

Takuto Onishi

September 09, 2018

More Decks by Takuto Onishi

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  3. ٕज़ͱॲཧ଎౓ͷਐาʹΑΓ
 ϢʔβʔͷҐஔతͳ੍ݶ͕औΓ෷ΘΕ͖ͯͨ 1965 1993 1994 1999 2007 2008 2009 2011

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  8. Reference source • Page6.
 ɾFile:Augmented-reality.jpg - Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Augmented-reality.jpg

    Augmented Reality Технологийг IKEA брэнд үйл ажиллагаандаа ашиглаж байна
 Date:20 March 2016 Source:Own work Author:OyundariZorigtbaatar • Page7.
 ɾ֦ுݱ࣮ײٕज़ͷকདྷల๬(2012 ྐྵຊ७Ұ)
 ɾThe Sword of Damocles - Head Mount Display(1964, Ivan Sutherland)
 ɾKARMA(1993, Columbia University Computer Graphics and User Interfaces Lab Steven Feiner, Blair MacIntyre, Dorée Seligmann)
 ɾ"The World through the Computer:Computer Augmented Interaction with Real World Environments”,Proceedings of UIST’95(1995 J. Rekimoto and K. Nagaoʣ
 ɾʮ߈֪ػಈୂʯʮి೴ίΠϧʯͷੈքΛ࣮ݱʂ - ARToolKitΛ࢖֦ͬͨுݱ࣮ײϓϩάϥϛϯάʢ2007 ޻ֶφϏ ڮຊ ௚) http://kougaku-navi.net/ARToolKit/
 ɾ͍·ɺΈ͓͖͍ͯͨ΢ΣϒαΠτ ୈ2ճ(2009 gihyo.jp - Lançamento ) http://gihyo.jp/design/serial/01/website-pickup/0002
 ɾiPhone (Original)(2015 iMore) https://www.imore.com/iphone-2g
 ɾηΧΠΧϝϥऴྃͷ͓஌Βͤ……։ൃݩɾ಴ஐυοτʮ໨ࢦͨ͠ࢥ૝͸ఘΊ͍ͯͳ͍(2013 TechCrunch Japan) https://jp.techcrunch.com/2013/12/17/the_end_of_sekai/
 ɾXbox & Kinect - Stories https://news.microsoft.com/presskits/xbox/
 ɾGoogle expands Project Tango tablet sales to more countries(2015 ZDNet) https://www.zdnet.com/article/google-expands-project-tango-tablet-sales-to-more-countries/
 ɾMicrosoft Hololens https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/hololens
 ɾMagic Leap One: Creator Edition https://www.magicleap.com/magic-leap-one
 ɾWebXR Viewer on iOS App Store(Mozilla) https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/webxr-viewer/id1295998056?mt=8
 ɾAR Quick Look brings augmented reality to Safari in iOS 12 (2018 apple insider ) https://appleinsider.com/articles/18/07/13/ar-quick-look-brings-augmented-reality-to-safari-in-ios-12
 ɾʰPokémon GOʱͷ༡ͼํ(2017 Niantic) https://www.pokemongo.jp/howto/play/
 ɾiPhone X - Appleʢ೔ຊʣhttps://www.apple.com/jp/iphone-x/
  9. Reference source • Page8.
 ɾͦ͜ʹ੢ӝ͸͋Δͷ͔͍ʢ2017 ෌Ӭܟͱ૿ా༤ଠͱେ੢୓ਓʣhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5w8pYwOBoU
 ɾMicrosoft Hololens https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/hololens

    Report made today's technology possible, says production designer Alex McDowell (2015 dezeen) https://www.dezeen.com/2015/11/06/minority-report-sci-fi-movie- steven-spielberg-future-of-technology-predictions-possible-production-designer-alex-mcdowell/ • Page11
 ɾFile:Augmented-reality.jpg - Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Augmented-reality.jpg
 Description:Монгол: Augmented Reality Технологийг IKEA брэнд үйл ажиллагаандаа ашиглаж байна
 Date:20 March 2016 Source:Own work Author:OyundariZorigtbaatar
 ɾAppleɺARKit 2Λൃද - Apple (೔ຊ) https://www.apple.com/jp/newsroom/2018/06/apple-unveils-arkit-2/ • Page25.
 ɾScanning and Detecting 3D Objects | Apple Developer Documentation https://developer.apple.com/documentation/arkit/scanning_and_detecting_3d_objects?language=objc
 ɾARKit By Example — Part 2: Plane Detection + Visualization https://blog.markdaws.net/arkit-by-example-part-2-plane-detection-visualization-10f05876d53
 ɾPart 1: ARKit Wall and Plane Detection for iOS 11.3 | Collective Idea https://collectiveidea.com/blog/archives/2018/04/30/part-1-arkit-wall-and-plane-detection-for-ios-11.3
  10. Reference source • Page26.
 ɾVIVE Tracker https://www.vive.com/jp/vive-tracker/
 ɾCMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose: OpenPose: Real-time

    multi-person keypoint detection library for body, face, and hands estimation https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/ openpose
 ɾYOLO: Real-Time Object Detection https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/
 ɾML Kit | Google Developers https://developers.google.com/ml-kit/
 ɾdlib C++ Library http://dlib.net/
 ɾOpenCV library https://opencv.org/
 ɾ௒Ի೾ڑ཭ηϯαʔɹ̝̘ʵ̨̧̌̐: ηϯαҰൠ ळ݄ిࢠ௨঎-ిࢠ෦඼ɾωοτ௨ൢɹhttp://akizukidenshi.com/catalog/g/gM-11009/
 ɾXbox & Kinect - Stories https://news.microsoft.com/presskits/xbox/
 ɾiPhone X - Appleʢ೔ຊʣhttps://www.apple.com/jp/iphone-x/
 ɾଌҬηϯα σʔλग़ྗλΠϓ/UST-10/20LX ঎඼ৄࡉ | ๺ཅిػגࣜձࣾhttps://www.hokuyo-aut.co.jp/search/single.php?serial=16 • Page29
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 ɾkonashi - A physical computing toolkit for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad http://konashi.ux-xu.com/ • Page30.
 ɾWonderleague corp. http://www.wonderleague.co.jp/ • Pge31.
 ɾVIVE Tracker https://www.vive.com/jp/vive-tracker/
 ɾPicoPro – Celluon Inc. https://www.celluon.com/picopro-3/