not be able to update your social media profile. But, you now have a social media manger that will take care of your online identity and update 1, and only 1, social media profile.. Instruct this person on what to do, and how, with your online profile. Now help your new SMM providing him/her a set of guidelines. Pick a social media, describe the activity, the rules, the time of the day, the estimated time required and the numbers of times you want the activity to be repeated. Then, calculate the total required time (for compensation). Activity How When (time) Est.time Times per day Tweet Good morning Find an inspirational image or a quote 8am 15 mins. 1 Selfie Find an original background. Use filters. From 8am to 11pm 5 mins 3 Retwet interesting stuff Do not retweet right wing media. Or, not without a comment From 8am to 12pm 7 mins 5 TOTAL TIME: 65 mins