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DDD Europe 2023 - Evolution Patterns of Sociote...

DDD Europe 2023 - Evolution Patterns of Sociotechnical Systems

Sociotechnical systems are nonlinear, dynamic systems that can exhibit complex and unpredictable behavior. These systems are constantly changing to provide value to customers, gain a competitive edge in the market or simply survive. Understanding the evolution patterns of sociotechnical systems is important to anticipate their behavior, designing improvement trajectory and managing change.

In this talk, we explore evolution in its broadest scope, e.g., modernization, migration, adaptation, restructuring… We combine software evolution with the organization dynamics and people interactions to identify evolution patterns in sociotechnical systems. Finally, we study the impact of leadership and decision making on the success or failure of these cases.


June 08, 2023

More Decks by Amal TAHRI

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  21. Architecture modernization has started with different workstreams Technology Move 2

    Cloud - Re-Architecture the Monolith Adaptation for B2B use case Decommissioning of adapted services As is maintenance As is maintenance
  22. value gets lost … and system drift back to the

    default status As is Target Roadmap Constraints <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/fr/icones-gratuites/alerte" title="alerte icônes">Alerte icônes créées par Freepik - Flaticon</a>
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  27. This archetype states that a reinforcing process of accelerating growth

    (or expansion) will encounter a balancing process as the limit of that system is approached. It hypothesizes that continuing efforts will produce diminishing returns as one approaches the limits. System Patterns 1 - Limits to growth Archetype
  28. Results Efforts Slowing action + - + System Patterns 1

    - Limits to growth Archetype + Reinforcing loop Balancing loop
  29. Ways of working Technology Your architecture is a copy of

    your organization communication structure
  30. This archetype states that a gap between a goal and

    an actual condition can be resolved in two ways: • by taking corrective action to achieve the goal • or by lowering the goal. Hypothesis: when there is a gap between a goal and a condition, the goal is lowered to close the gap. Consequence: lowering the goal will deteriorate performance. System Patterns 2 - Eroding Goals Archetype
  31. System Patterns 2 - Eroding Goals Archetype Goal Gap Actual

    Action to improve conditions Pressure to adjust Reinforcing loop Balancing loop
  32. Goal Gap Actual Action to improve conditions Pressure to adjust

    Decision making Day 2 day Operation System Patterns 2 - Eroding Goals Archetype
  33. Problem- No prioritisation and too much workload and not enough

    people <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/fr/icones-gratuites/nuevo-sol" title="nuevo sol icônes">Nuevo sol icônes créées par Mayor Icons - Flaticon</a> Move 2 Cloud - Re-Architecture the Monolith Adaptation for B2B use case Decommissioning of adapted services As is maintenance As is maintenance
  34. Info. flow Info. flow <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/fr/icones-gratuites/grappe" title="grappe icônes">Grappe icônes créées

    par samlakodad - Flaticon</a> <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/fr/icones-gratuites/formes-et-symboles" title="formes et symboles icônes">Formes et symboles icônes créées par Irfansusanto20 - Flaticon</a> How to prioritize ? what decision to make ? Decision making Decision making Day 2 day Operation Information flow as an indicator of organization culture Info. flow
  35. <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/fr/icones-gratuites/super-heros" title="super héros icônes">Super héros icônes créées par itim2101

    - Flaticon</a> <a href='https://fr.freepik.com/vecteurs/match-vs'>Match vs vecteur créé par starline - fr.freepik.com</a> Cultural gap Company A Company B
  36. … gap analysis of ways of working <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/fr/icones-gratuites/objectif" title="objectif

    icônes">Objectif icônes créées par Triangle Squad - Flaticon</a> Ways of working + Performance oriented culture + Collaborative leadership + Empowered Teams - Must retain key talent to ensure value continuity - Rule oriented culture - Directive leadership - Lack of initiative among teams & top down decision making - Important turn over
  37. People Motivation Personality Performance Culture Values Leadership Events Process Chain

    of responsibility Routines Documentation Ways of working is about people, culture and process
  38. Pattern of basic assumptions Invented, discovered or developed by a

    … group… Learning to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration Worked well enough to be considered valid Taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, to think and feel in relation to these problems What is Culture ? Edgar Shein
  39. What leaders failed to do is to enable a common

    culture Westrum Model for organizational culture focusing on the structure of information flow Power-Oriented Rule-Oriented Performance-Oriented Cooperation low modest high Messengers “shot” neglected trained Responsibilities shrinked narrow shared Bridging discouraged tolerated encouraged Failure scapegoating justice inquiry Novelty crushed problems implemented
  40. Visionary Type Incubating Type Directive Type Collaborative Type Compose your

    pioneers teams with diverse leadership types Source: Leading with Strategic Thinking: Four Ways Effective Leaders Gain Insight, Drive Change, and Get Results - Author:B. Keith Simerson and Author:Aaron K. Olson
  41. Event Storming, Team topologies and DDD tools to collaborate Core

    Supporting G e n e r I c Domain Complexity Business Differentiator Import ant Import ant Low EventStorming Delimit business domains Architecture big picture Team Topologies Core Domain Chart Context Map Define your teams and their relationships Identify your differentiator and prioritize Define your domain interaction
  42. Based on DDD workshops outputs, revist the scope and define

    priorities <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/fr/icones-gratuites/nuevo-sol" title="nuevo sol icônes">Nuevo sol icônes créées par Mayor Icons - Flaticon</a> Move 2 Cloud - Re-Architecture the Monolith Adaptation for B2B use case Decommissioning of Adapted services As is maintenance As is maintenance Deprioritized