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MongoLab ATT Hackathon Toronto

MongoLab ATT Hackathon Toronto

June 15-16 2012
ATT Hackathon Slides

Ben Wen

June 15, 2012

More Decks by Ben Wen

Other Decks in Programming


  1. what is MongoLab? •  Cloud hosted MongoDB •  In Amazon

    EC2 or Rackspace or Joyent Cloud •  replication, backups, monitoring •  240MB free plan and multi-tenant for-pay plans •  dedicated server plan in beta •  awesome admin tools •  REST API
  2. what is MongoDB? an awesome JSON object store ! !

    ! ! { “firstName” : “Ben”,! “lastName” : “Wen”,! “email” : “ben@mongolab.com”,! “location” : { “lat” : 37.41, “long” : -122.05 },! “hobbies” : [ “music”, “biking”, “foto” ] }! http://mongodb.org
  3. many use cases of simple cloud db storage needs • logging

    • user profile data • game data (stats, high scores) • polls and surveys • user feedback • geo database
  4. /databases/<d>/collections! GET! ! /databases/<d>/collections/<c>! GET ! POST! ! /databases/<d>/collections/<c>/<_id>! GET

    ! PUT! DELETE! ! /databases/<d>/collections/<c>?[q=<query>]! [&f=<fields>]! [&s=<order>]! [&sk=<skip>]! [&l=<limit>]! GET! MongoLab’s REST API
  5. MongoLab API Example •  POST ! URL: https://mongolab.com/api/1/databases/demo/collections/geoposts! ! Data:

    { “email” : “will@mongolab.com”,! ! “date” : { “$date” : “2010-12-03 11:18:21 UTC” },! “location” : { “lat” : 37.41, “long” : -122.05 },! ! “message” : “Hello Seattle!” }! ! • GET URL: https://…/geoposts?q={"location":{"$near":{"lat":37,"long":-122}}} !
  6. Also direct drivers for many languages for server side • 

    Ruby, Java, Node.js, Python, Clojure •  Standardized, well-known interface •  High performance •  Integrated with PaaS REST API mongodb mongolab service Ruby, Java, Node.js, Python, etc. for analytics or WebUI Mongodb driver
  7. Special hackathon offer 4GB free for 3-months •  Special offer

    for AT&T Toronto Hackathon attendees •  3-month FREE Large Shared hosted MongoDB instance •  (a $120 value) use #ATT2012-Toronto-LargeShared •  Offer details: http://bit.ly/toronto-hack