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Presentation of the Free Software unit @ Etalab...

January 23, 2022

Presentation of the Free Software unit @ Etalab/DINUM


January 23, 2022

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  1. We help public sector agencies using more Free Software and

    publishing their source code. Go read our action plan. 2
  2. Chargée de mission communautés et contributions - développeuse 3 Free

    Software project manager - developer Joseph Garrone Head of the Free Software unit - developer Bastien Guerry I build and lead the Free Software unit at Etalab (DINUM) and I am in charge of anything related to the publication of source code. I develop tools to help public agencies use more Free Software and I maintain/promote the Free Software catalogs published by the DINUM. The Free Software unit Hélène Jonin I help administrations to make their open source projects more collaborative and to value public sector contributions to existing open source software.
  3. 4 Support the publication of public sector source codes •

    The Free Software unit supports administrations in publishing their source codes through the development and maintenance of the code.gouv.fr platform. • Code.gouv.fr references codes and libraries published by administrations and aims to promote their reuse. CODE.GOUV.FR
  4. 5 Develop the use of Free Software in the public

    sector • We promote Free Software used by the administration: a community of civil servants maintains a list of them on the inter-ministerial Free Software platform (SILL). • This platform references Free Software in use today within public agencies and promotes their wider use. +100 Free Software experts from public agencies +250 Referenced software SILL
  5. 6 Attract people who care about software freedom into the

    administration We contribute to the BlueHats movement with various actions: BlueHats workshops BlueHats newsletter BlueHats Semester of Code Join the community BLUEHATS, PUBLIC INTEREST
  6. 7 BlueHats workshops • BlueHats workshops are videoconferences in French

    presenting Free Software used and/or developed by administrations. • All the workshops are accessible to everyone and can be replayed on Etalab's BlueHats channel. • You can find the details of the presentations on the workshop repository.
  7. 8 BlueHats newsletter • The BlueHats Gazette is a bimestrial

    newsletter in French that shares information about the use and development of Free Software by, in, and for the public sector. • By reading it, you will discover projects that you can test or follow; by contributing to it, you will share your initiatives and interests with the community.
  8. 9 BlueHats Semester of Code • Etalab launched the #BlueHats

    Semester of Code internship program, allowing engineering students to contribute to Free Software created or used by public administrations. • Students will work on a Free Software contribution project proposed by a public agent. • This is an opportunity for students to work for the general interest, to discover the administration and to perfect their Free Software skills.
  9. To expose operational progress of the action plan to the

    administration and the actors of the Free Software ecosystem. To engage the administration and mobilize the Free Software ecosystem around actions that help the public sector to implement the action plan. To detect and support possible collaborations, between administrations on the one hand, between administrations and the Free Software ecosystem on the other. 10 The Free Software set up and leads a council of expertise and mobilization for Free Software in the administration. Both public agencies and actors from the Free Software ecosystem are participating. Its goal is to inform and to mobilize around the action plan, with three objectives: Free Software council of expertise and mobilization
  10. 11 Our contributions to Free Software in Europe The Free

    Software unit participates in the various works of the European Commission on open source such as: • The elaboration of the European catalog of open source solutions. • The discussions on support mechanisms, particularly financial, for Free Software.
  11. Contacts 6 For any request for information and support, please

    contact us. • Etalab's Free Software unit: [email protected] • The LABEL mission: [email protected] • The TALENTS mission: [email protected]