sphere… ▸ …but it is not actually a perfect sphere. ▸ We therefore use models of earth’s shape for mapping and navigation. 2. PROJECTIONS OVERVIEW CONCEPTUALIZING EARTH
be useful everywhere, the WGS 1984 system is not a perfect fit for many places on earth. ▸ Local models are therefore preferable for continental or regional mapping. ▸ The NAD 1983 system is meant to better fit the specific shape of earth in North America
Mathematician from what is now Germany who made significant contributions to many fields within mathematics ▸ His “remarkable theorem” holds that spheres and planes are not isometric - we cannot flatten a sphere while preserving distance, shape, and area. 2. PROJECTIONS OVERVIEW THEOREMA EGREGIUM
• Conformal projections preserve shape • Equal area projections preserve area • Equidistant projections preserve distance • True direction projections preserve direction ▸ Some “compromise projections” attempt to strike a balance between properties, but many prioritize one at the expense of the others. 2. PROJECTIONS OVERVIEW
- Geographic Coordinates or Albers/Lambert Projections ▸ Meso - State or Several State extents - Albers/Lambert or UTM ▸ Regional - Counties or City extent - UTM or State Plane ▸ Micro - City or Neighborhood extent - State Plane 2. PROJECTIONS OVERVIEW
mathematician and philosopher whose scientific work was done in the Netherlands ▸ Pioneered technique for locating points and shapes relative to axes using ordered pairs (like an x and a y coordinate) 3. WORKING WITH PROJECTIONS IN R CARTESIAN COORDINATES
▸ If you’re using leaflet, make sure your data are in WGS 1984 (EPSG code 4326) ▸ Make sure you transform all layers into same coordinate system. ▸ It can be hard to guess what projected coordinate system x and y columns were created in. ▸ Writing coordinate systems can be tricky - verify that R reads shapefiles’ coordinate systems correctly! ▸ Longitude is your x value, and latitude is your y value What are some challenges with projections in R?