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The ds106 Files: Outbreaks of Infectious and Op...

Alan Levine
October 01, 2014

The ds106 Files: Outbreaks of Infectious and Open Acts of Creativity

While much of higher education seems hunkered down in crises of a broken system or MOOC takeover, reports are filtering in from the distal portions of the internet where open, spontaneous, volunteered acts of creative expression seem to be spreading at alarming rates. These reports have been traced to a loose federation of registered students, teachers, and openly participating individuals of all ages in something known as ds106, an open course in digital storytelling. Patient Zero has been traced to students at the University of Mary Washington, but activity has spread to multiple institutions, K-12 schools, retirees, artists, and people of various affiliations across North America, Europe, Africa, and Australasia. The report highlights the manifestations of this creativity in individually managed internet domains and self-hosted blogs, demonstrated in visual, audio, video, and remixed media, extensively reflected upon. Intense activity has been spotted in blog comments, twitter, Google Plus, and social media platforms, including the current incarnation as a "headless" course. The most intense focus areas are around atypical course constructs of daily creative challenges, a web-based radio station, and an open assignment bank.

Alan Levine

October 01, 2014

More Decks by Alan Levine

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    http://ahomelyhomeless.com/2012/09/04/i-love-the-smell-of-gifs-in-the-morning/ Say It Like Peanut Butter Assignment
  2. ds106 has given this me the conviction that I, at

    72, can make videos, that tell my story beautifully, thoughtfully, and truthfully. The community aspect gives me the security that, no how busy I am with other things, I can always "drop into" ds106 and continue to learn more. http://margaretherrick.com/blog/
  3. UMW COURSE • Bootcamp (2 wks) • What is Story

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  8. UMW COURSE • Bootcamp (2 wks) • What is Story

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  9. UMW COURSE • Bootcamp (2 wks) • What is Story

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  10. UMW COURSE • Bootcamp (2 wks) • What is Story

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  11. UMW COURSE • Bootcamp (2 wks) • What is Story

    • Audio Listening • Visual • Design • Audio (2 wks) • Stories in the Web • Reading Video • Video (2 wks) • Remix • Project ds106.us/history
  12. the syndication bus cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo

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  13. totipotentplasm.com joltfree.org mindofamasri.com slowlykillintime.com ampersanddragon.net any-ideas.me rescuesgtsocks.com themanthemyththepaul.us livingwithouta.net confessionsofafuturedisneyprincess.com

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    A LOGO, OR A POSTER, OR A T-SHIRT, OR A TATTOO OR AN ETC. THERE ARE BINARY LIGHTNING BOLTS, BILLOWING SMOKE AND CHILDREN RUNNING AWAY FROM THE EXPLOSIVE FORCE THAT IS DS106 RADIO. ds106 Radio Design http://blog.andrewallingham.info/2011/02/ds106-radio-design/ Not even done for any assignment http://tdc.ds106.us/ • http://tdc.ds106.us/tdc639/ http://ds106rad.io • http://ds106.us/ds106-radio/
  15. PHOTOBLITZ Time's Up cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr

    photo by Sally Wilson: http://flickr.com/photos/pomathorn/9985534074/
  16. Between daily creates and projects from the assignment bank, I

    am constantly creating things, and I find myself taking more creative approaches to everything else in my life, from approaching problems at work to noticing the interesting angles and textures of a room. erstrongds106.wordpress.com
  17. 106, THE MOVIE cc licensed ( BY NC SA )

    flickr photo by Giulia Forsythe: http:// flickr.com/photos/gforsythe/6899228915/
  18. http://edreach.us/podcast/chalkstar-to-rockstar-05-ds106-is-the-5th-dimension-of-teaching-and-learning/ In the end, more than anything, ds106 isn't a

    class, it's a community. It's a group of people coming together to share stories and ideas on an open platform and openly accessible at anytime, anywhere. So that brings us back to that original question-- what is it? It is what you make of it. And that's the thing I think that Jim and Alan want people to take away. Your story is what you make of it and ds106 can be a way for you learn how to tell that story. "If it's nothing else what it's true value is that it's a place where people can experiment with what online learning could like like and might look like and the more it looks like the web the better" (Jim Groom)
  19. http://aetherbunny.com/2013/03/18/ds106-teaching-an-ethos/ At its core, though, ds106 is just as much

    about conveying a particular ethos, informed by the rhetoric of innovation and open education that’s part of the larger conversation about edtech. When I say “rhetoric of innovation,” I’m referring to the line of thinking that pursuing a new way of completing a task, a new way of thinking, or a unique experience is more valuable than sticking to well-established methods, which I encountered constantly (and found incredibly compelling) as a student in ds106. The value of open resources, online communities as vital spaces for learning, the thoughtful creation of identity online, and giving students the freedom to create their own learning experiences are all integral to the ds106 experience. Each of those elements reflects the overarching ethos established by the professors who constructed and teach the course, one that touts openness, creativity and the innovative use of tech as essential components for constructing a new, more compelling and student- driven educational model.