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CrateDB: A Database or a Search Engine? Both!

CrateDB: A Database or a Search Engine? Both!

CrateDB is an open-source, distributed SQL database that runs daily queries on millions of data records. It is built for data-intensive analytics with a PostgreSQL interface that runs anywhere, from on-premises to the cloud. In this talk, I will give you an introduction to CrateDB, its architecture, and how to make ingestion and analysis of a large amount of data extremely simple and efficient. You will learn how to get all the benefits of traditional databases while utilizing the scalability and efficiency of a distributed search engine.


June 23, 2023

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  1. What is CrateDB Architecture Logical Replication Try out CrateDB When

    to Use CrateDB? Summary 01 02 03 04 05 06 Outline 2 Crate.io
  2. About CrateDB 4 Crate.io • Since 2014: https://github.com/crate/crate • A

    distributed, horizontally scaling database for data intensive analytics solutions • Open Source under Apache License 2.0 • Perfect choice for: ◦ Event data (high-volume, non-transactional) ◦ Mixed structured/unstructured data ◦ Fast analytical queries ◦ Highly scalable deployments
  3. SQL • PostgreSQL-compatible interface for easy data consumption • Standard

    SQL as query language • Table schemas are represented in a relational format NoSQL • Dynamic objects and schemas • Based on Apache Lucene • All columns get indexed by default with low overhead • Eventual consistency to achieve high ingest performance CrateDB Combines the Best of SQL and NoSQL 5 Crate.io
  4. PostgreSQL Compatibility 6 Crate.io PostgreSQL Wire Protocol and Dialect Compatible

    with many tools and utilities through included system catalog
  5. ▪ SQL Engine for parsing and executing SQL statements ▪

    Distributed, shared-nothing architecture ▪ Every node is “equal” and can perform any task ▪ Benefits: o Scaling becomes easier o Automatic data rebalancing o No single point of failure CrateDB Architecture 8 Crate.io Client Parser Analyzer Planner & Optimizer Lucene Storage Blob Storage Distributed Execution Engine PostgreSQL Wire Protocol HTTP Endpoint Client Client Client Client Client CrateDB node
  6. Lucene Index 9 Crate.io ID name quantity 1 Almond Milk

    100 2 Almond Flour 200 3 Milk 300 ID name 1 Almond Milk 2 Almond Flour 3 Milk name IDs Almond 1, 2 Milk 2, 3 Flour 2 Fulltext Index / BKD-Trees Column store Benefits: • Fast Search • Very fast aggregations CrateDB by defaults indexes all data similar to Search Engines
  7. Sharding ▪ Every table is split into multiple shards by

    default ▪ Shards are distributed evenly across all nodes in the cluster CREATE TABLE metrics ( ”ts" TIMESTAMP, "name" TEXT, "tags" OBJECT(DYNAMIC), "fields" OBJECT(DYNAMIC) ) CLUSTERED INTO 3 SHARDS;
  8. Partitioning ▪ Partitioning splits up a large table into smaller

    chunks ▪ Minimize the number of records that need to be queried CREATE TABLE metrics ( ”ts" TIMESTAMP, ”ts_month" GENERATED ALWAYS AS DATE_TRUNC('month’, “ts"), "name" TEXT, "tags" OBJECT(DYNAMIC), "fields" OBJECT(DYNAMIC) ) CLUSTERED INTO 3 SHARDS PARTITIONED BY (ts_month);
  9. Logical Replication: Publish-Subscribe Model 13 Crate.io Publishers Subscribers § Publisher:

    database instance that makes data available to other locations through publications § Subscriber: database instance that receives replicated data from one or more publishers § Cluster can have both publications and subscriptions
  10. Creating Publications and Subscriptions 14 Crate.io § Publication can contain

    all tables, subset of tables or no tables § All operations are replicated § No aggregations during replication § Tables on the subscriber are read-only § Connection string contains parameters in the key-value format § WITH enabled parameter: it specifies whether the subscription should be actively replicating CREATE PUBLICATION name {FOR TABLE table_name [,…] | FOR ALL TABLES} CREATE SUBSCRIPTION name CONNECTION ‘path_to_publisher’ PUBLICATION publication_name [, …] [WITH (parameter_name [= value], [,…], …]
  11. Use Case: Central Reporting 15 Crate.io Local storage and centralized

    reporting Replicate data from a large number of smaller, localized clusters back to a centralized reporting cluster. Benefits § Collect data close to where it’s needed, and replicate only specific data to a central cluster § Access data from multiple sources in one single location § No need to duplicate all data
  12. Use Case: Low Latency 16 Crate.io Central storage and local

    replicas Replicate data from a large cluster to a large number of smaller localized clusters for low latency access. Benefits of logical replication § Collect data where it’s created, and replicate only specific data to local clusters § Access data from close to the location with lower latency § Replicate selected data to select locations
  13. • Download CrateDB and run it from a tarball bash

    -c "$(curl -L https://try.crate.io/)" • Access the Admin UI via following link: https://localhost:4200 Getting Started 18 Crate.io Admin UI Web interface Overview (state, version) Query console Sharding overview Node information Cluster monitoring
  14. More Features 20 Crate.io • Geo search • User Defined

    Functions • Snapshots • User management • Schema/Table privileges • SSL encryption • Dynamic objects • COPY FROM and COPY TO • … docs.crate.io
  15. CrateDB Use Cases 22 Crate.io Want or have to use

    SQL Time Series Data Real-time Analytics Large amounts of data Internet of Things Geospatial data Structured/Semi-structured data Thousands of queries per seconds Transactional workloads (OLTP) Foreign Keys Highly hierarchical/normalized data
  16. • Highly scalable data infrastructure is a key • CrateDB

    makes it simple to store and analyze massive amounts of data • Unlimited scalability • Efficient, dynamic architecture • Dynamic schemas • Easy integration due to PostgreSQL compatibility • Fast in aggregation and search • Open source Summary 23 community.crate.io