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Stefan McCready - It all started with an anchor...

Stefan McCready - It all started with an anchor tag

Presented at Hey! #26 on 26th January, 2017.

Hey! Presents

January 26, 2017

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  1. Experience over potential Interviewer: Have you got industry experience? Me:

    No but here is a portfolio of work Interviewer: Goodbye.
  2. “Its like learning piano but every so often the notes

    move around”
 Stefan - 2017
  3. When its high… You feel better, you work better, you

    are just more comfortable with yourself
  4. Why you have to say no By saying no you

    keep your priorities first and you can work at a sustainable level
  5. After all is said and done…. I love work, I’ve

    met great people, I’ve learned a lot and I’ve joined a community that is by far the best community in the world