gluons • Postulated that early universe was QGP (t 1 sec) • Created in ultra-relativistic collisions of heavy nuclei • Extremely: Hot: 1012 K (solar core ∼ 107 K) Tiny: 10 fm = 10−14 meters (∼size of nucleus) Transient: 10−23 seconds (10 fm/c) • Can observe only emitted particles → Estimate QGP properties through model-to-data comparison Hadrons T ∼ 150 MeV QGP * Not to scale 2 / 40
including • Temperature-dependent transport coefficients • Specific shear viscosity (η/s)(T) • Specific bulk viscosity (ζ/s)(T) • Characteristics of the initial state that leads to QGP formation Process • Develop a complete dynamical model of the spacetime evolution of heavy-ion collisions • Tailor Bayesian parameter estimation methods for heavy-ion collisions • Derive probability distributions for the likely values of the model parameters Őő ƷƐĺƓƳƏĺƒ ƏĺƑ 3 / 40
Gaussian process emulator Surrogate model Bayesian calibration Infer model parameters from data Posterior distribution Quantitative estimates of each parameter Experimental data Heavy-ion collision observables 4 / 40
Gaussian process emulator Surrogate model Bayesian calibration Infer model parameters from data Posterior distribution Quantitative estimates of each parameter Experimental data Heavy-ion collision observables 4 / 40
Gaussian process emulator Surrogate model Bayesian calibration Infer model parameters from data Posterior distribution Quantitative estimates of each parameter Experimental data Heavy-ion collision observables 9 / 40
after collision • Many theories / models • Significant source of uncertainty This work Parametric model TRENTo • Developed by myself and Scott Moreland • Designed to simultaneously estimate initial condition and QGP medium properties 11 / 40
proportional to generalized mean of local nuclear density s ∝ Tp A + Tp B 2 1/p TA,B = z-integrated density (“thickness”) p ∈ (−∞, ∞) = tunable parameter • Interpolates among physically reasonable entropy deposition scalings • Mimics other models • Previous work: p ∼ 0, s ∼ √ TATB Other degrees of freedom Effective nucleon width w ƷƏĺƓ =l ƷƏĺѶѶ =l ƐƏ=l More: multiplicity fluctuations, minimum inter-nucleon distance, ... Ultimately: Propagate initial condition uncertainty into medium parameters 12 / 40
= e uµuν − (P + Π)∆µν + πµν • Relaxation equations for viscous pressures τππ µν + πµν = 2ησµν − δπππµνθ + φ7π µ α πν α − τπππ µ α σν α + λπΠΠσµν τΠΠ + Π = −ζθ − δΠΠΠθ + λΠππµνσµν • Equation of state P = P(e): Hadron resonance gas (HRG) up to T = 165 MeV connected to lattice calculation (HotQCD Collaboration) at higher T • Hydrodynamic model implemented by the Ohio State University group 14 / 40
temperature Tswitch • Particlization hadronization or freeze-out • Particle species and momenta sampled from thermal hadron resonance gas — Cooper-Frye formula E dN d3p = g (2π)3 ∫ σ f (p) pµ d3σµ • System must be continuous across transition → distribution functions f (p) modified to account for viscous pressures (πµν and Π) • Masses of unstable resonances sampled from Breit-Wigner distribution 18 / 40
= Ci (x, p) • Hadronic scatterings and decays • Binary collisions and 2 → n processes — system cannot be too dense • Realistic chemical and kinetic freeze-out Implementation: Ultra-relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics (UrQMD) 19 / 40
centrality dependence of observables • Average < 1 hour per event — still thousands total → Run on high-performance computational systems • National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) (DOE Office of Science) • Open Science Grid (OSG) • Developed automated workflow for generating large quantities of events • Used by most of Duke group • 20–40 million CPU hours used over past few years Images from LBL 20 / 40
Gaussian process emulator Surrogate model Bayesian calibration Infer model parameters from data Posterior distribution Quantitative estimates of each parameter Experimental data Heavy-ion collision observables 20 / 40
using data for the outputs (y = data) Bayes’ theorem posterior P(x|y) ∝ likelihood P(y|x) × prior P(x) Construct posterior probability distribution P(x|y) by Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling (MCMC) (weighted random walk through parameter space) 21 / 40
of space-time in the strong-field, high-velocity regime and confirm predictions of general relativity for the nonlinear dynamics of highly disturbed black holes. II. OBSERVATION On September 14, 2015 at 09:50:45 UTC, the LIGO Hanford, WA, and Livingston, LA, observatories detected the coincident signal GW150914 shown in Fig. 1. The initial detection was made by low-latency searches for generic gravitational-wave transients [41] and was reported within three minutes of data acquisition [43]. Subsequently, matched-filter analyses that use relativistic models of com- pact binary waveforms [44] recovered GW150914 as the most significant event from each detector for the observa- tions reported here. Occurring within the 10-ms intersite Posterior distribution Black hole masses therefore add 10 parameters per instrument to the model used in the analysis. For validation purposes we also considered an independent method that assumes frequency- independent calibration errors [87], and obtained consistent results. III. RESULTS The results of the analysis using binary coalescence waveforms are posterior PDFs for the parameters describ- ing the GW signal and the model evidence. A summary is provided in Table I. For the model evidence, we quote (the logarithm of) the Bayes factor Bs=n ¼ Z=Zn , which is the evidence for a coherent signal hypothesis divided by that for (Gaussian) noise [5]. At the leading order, the Bayes factor and the optimal SNR ρ ¼ ½ P k hhM k jhM k i1=2 are related by ln Bs=n ≈ ρ2=2 [88]. Before discussing parameter estimates in detail, we consider how the inference is affected by the choice of the compact-binary waveform model. From Table I, we see that the posterior estimates for each parameter are broadly consistent across the two models, despite the fact that they are based on different analytical approaches and that they include different aspects of BBH spin dynamics. The models’ logarithms of the Bayes factors, 288.7 Æ 0.2 and 290.3 Æ 0.1, are also comparable for both models: the data do not allow us to conclusively prefer one model over the other [89]. Therefore, we use both for the Overall column in Table I. We combine the posterior samples of both distributions with equal weight, in effect marginalizing over our choice of waveform model. These averaged results SNR of ρ ¼ 25.1þ1.7 −1.7 . This value is higher than the one reported by the search [1,3] because it is obtained using a finer sampling of (a larger) parameter space. GW150914’s source corresponds to a stellar-mass BBH with individual source-frame masses msource 1 ¼ 36þ5 −4 M⊙ and msource 2 ¼ 29þ4 −4 M⊙, as shown in Table I and Fig. 1. The two BHs are nearly equal mass. We bound the mass ratio to the range 0.66 ≤ q ≤ 1 with 90% probability. For comparison, the highest observed neutron star mass is 2.01 Æ 0.04M⊙ [91], and the conservative upper-limit for 22 / 40
Gaussian process emulator Surrogate model Bayesian calibration Infer model parameters from data Posterior distribution Quantitative estimates of each parameter Experimental data Heavy-ion collision observables 22 / 40
(106 evaluations) ∼ 109 total hours But even largest NERSC allocations are O(107) hours Use model emulator (fast surrogate) • Evaluate model at O(102) design points in parameter space • Interpolate input-output behavior with Gaussian process emulator This work • Tailored general method of Bayesian parameter estimation with Gaussian process emulators for heavy-ion collisions • Original computational implementation 23 / 40
optimal emulator performance? Factorial (uniform grid) Required number of points grows exponentially — not viable in high dimensions Random Tends to create large gaps and tight clusters Latin hypercube • Semi-random, space-filling • Required number of points grows linearly • “Efficient scaffolding” for emulator • This work: 500 points in 14 dimensions 24 / 40
Gaussian process emulator Surrogate model Bayesian calibration Infer model parameters from data Posterior distribution Quantitative estimates of each parameter Experimental data Heavy-ion collision observables 29 / 40
Strongly Interacting Quark-Gluon-Plasma A Community White Paper on the Future of Relativistic Heavy-Ion Physics in the US “ The next 5–10 years of the US relativistic heavy-ion program will deliver...the quantitative determination of the transport coefficients of the Quark Gluon Plasma, such as the temperature de- pendent shear-viscosity to entropy-density ratio (η/s)(T) ... ” (Published 2012)
r !$ņ ŊѴ-vl- )om7;7 m1Ѵ;om ƏĺƏƏѵƳƏĺƏƕѶ ƏĺƏƕѶ s ∝ Tp A + Tp B 2 1/p • Entropy deposition ∼ geometric mean of local nuclear density, s ∼ √ TATB • Determined simultaneously with QGP transport coefficients; mutual uncertainty accounted for • Corroborates behavior of successful models IP-Glasma and EKRT 36 / 40
quantities) with well-defined uncertainties ƐƔƏ ƑƏƏ ƑƔƏ ƒƏƏ $;lr;u-|u;Œ;(œ ƏĺƏ ƏĺƐ ƏĺƑ Əĺƒ ƏĺƓ ņv ƐņƓ "_;-ubv1ovb| ov|;uboul;7b-m ƖƏѷ1u;7b0Ѵ;u;]bom ƐƔƏ ƑƏƏ ƑƔƏ ƒƏƏ $;lr;u-|u;Œ;(œ ƏĺƏƏ ƏĺƏƑ ƏĺƏƓ ƏĺƏѵ ƏĺƏѶ ņv Ѵhbv1ovb| Method is general; tools are flexible and publicly available Has been and will be applied to other models and/or experimental data 40 / 40
TA [fm¡2] 0 1 2 3 Entropy density [fm¡3] Gen. mean, p = ¡ 0: 67 KLN 0 1 2 3 4 ~ TA [fm¡2] Gen. mean, p = 0 EKRT 0 1 2 3 4 ~ TA [fm¡2] 1 fm¡2 2 fm¡2 ~ TB =3 fm¡2 Gen. mean, p = 1 Wounded nucleon Fit p to reproduce effective entropy deposition of other models s ∝ Tp A + Tp B 2 1/p 2 / 10
ņƏ Ɛ Ə Ɛ Ƒ !;Ѵ-|b;1_-m]; mņmƏ r ņ r Ə ņƏ ;ņ;Ə $ƷƐƔƏ;( ѴѴ u;vom-m1;v ƏĺƏ ƏĺƔ ƐĺƏ ƐĺƔ ƑĺƏ rŒ;(œ ƐƏ Ѷ ƐƏ ѵ ƐƏ Ɠ ƐƏ Ƒ ƐƏƏ =Őrő ƷƏ ƏĺƑƏ ƏĺƓƏ bomvķ$ƷƐƔƏ;( -u-l;|ub1 !$ Scale momentum and density to reproduce total kinetic pressure while holding energy density constant → two equations, two unknowns: P + Π = zbulk sp g ∫ d3p (2π)3 p2 3E f (p + λbulkp), e = zbulk sp g ∫ d3p (2π)3 E f (p + λbulkp) 6 / 10
, ∼ N(0, Σ) • Covariance matrix: Σ = Σe + Σm • Experimental covariance: Σe = Σstat e + Σsys e In general Σij = ρijσi σj, where ρij are correlation coefficients: ρstat ij = δij (definition), ρsys ij = exp − 1 2 ci − cj 2 (assumption) • Model covariance from Gaussian process predictive uncertainty + systematic error parameter: Σm = V ΣGP m,z + (σsys m )2I V T = ΣGP m + (σsys m )2V TV 10 / 10