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ただの失業したインターネット屋は果たして独立開業できたのか? / Did the fired ...

ただの失業したインターネット屋は果たして独立開業できたのか? / Did the fired internet engineer finally start up his business successfully as an independent consultant?

4-AUG-2018 CEA Startup Gijyutsushi Meetup, Ouji, Kita-ku, Tokyo, Japan (presentation in Japanese)

Kenji Rikitake

August 04, 2018

More Decks by Kenji Rikitake

Other Decks in Business


  1. ܦྺ Working on: Erlang, Elixir, C, FreeBSD, TCP/IP, PHP, mruby,

    C++, C#, Visual Studio, Moodle, macOS, Windows, Vim, Emacs, Arduino, AVR, radio, music, distributed systems, fault tolerance, random numbers, whatever. 28 years in Computer Science, 13 years since PhD, 42 years of ham radio op as @jj1bdx, 2010-2012: Professor, ACCMS/IIMC, Kyoto University, whatever. …աڈͷܦྺ͸ແҙຯ Kenji Rikitake / ceajp 4-AUG-2018 4