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Appium: Automation for Mobile Apps

Appium: Automation for Mobile Apps

This presentation was first given at the Google Test Automation Conference in April of 2013. It introduces Appium, a mobile automation framework, discusses the philosophy behind Appium, and highlights various features.

Most of the content is in my speaking, not the slides themselves. To see the video of the talk, please visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1J0aXDbjiUE&list=SPSIUOFhnxEiCODb8XQB-RUQ0RGNZ2yW7d&index=16

To see the demo video not included in these slides, please visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTIEt11cXNk

Jonathan Lipps

April 24, 2013

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  1. appium starts a "test case" on the device that spawns

    a server and listens for proxied commands
  2. Sauce Labs is great for scale when you need to

    run a lot of appium tests in your build