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Dashboards With Dashing

Jon McCartie
September 25, 2014

Dashboards With Dashing

Lightning Talk From Rocky Mountain Ruby 2014
Video: http://youtu.be/WBvB0PZcxLg

Longer version given at OKC Ruby November 2014

Jon McCartie

September 25, 2014

More Decks by Jon McCartie

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Point your browser at localhost:3030 and have fun! Install $

    gem install dashing $ dashing new sweet_dashboard_project $ bundle $ dashing start
  2. Number Widget <h1 class="title" data-bind="title"></h1> <h2 class="value" data-bind="current | shortenedNumber

    | prepend prefix"></h2> <p class="change-rate"> <i data-bind-class="arrow"></i><span data-bind="difference"></span> </p> <p class="more-info" data-bind="moreinfo | raw"></p> <p class="updated-at" data-bind="updatedAtMessage"></p> number.html
  3. Number Widget class Dashing.Number extends Dashing.Widget ready: -> # This

    is fired when the widget is done being rendered onData: (data) -> # Fired when you receive data # You could do something like have the widget flash each time data comes in by doing: # $(@node).fadeOut().fadeIn() # Any attribute that has the 'Dashing.AnimatedValue' will cause the number to animate when it changes. @accessor 'current', Dashing.AnimatedValue # Calculates the % difference between current & last values. @accessor 'difference', -> if @get('last') last = parseInt(@get('last')) current = parseInt(@get('current')) if last != 0 diff = Math.abs(Math.round((current - last) / last * 100)) "#{diff}%" else "" # Picks the direction of the arrow based on whether the current value is higher or lower than the last @accessor 'arrow', -> if @get('last') if parseInt(@get('current')) > parseInt(@get('last')) then 'icon-arrow-up' else 'icon-arrow-down' number.coffee
  4. Get That Data SCHEDULER.every '1m', :first_in => 0 do |job|

    send_event('karma', { current: rand(1000) }) end sample_job.rb This job will run every minute, and will send a random number to ALL widgets that have data-id set to 'karma'.
  5. JavaScript Alerts class Dashing.NewRelic extends Dashing.Widget @FAILED_JOB_ALERT_THRESHOLD: 10 onData: (data)

    => super if (@get('current_failed') > Dashing.Metrics.FAILED_JOB_ALERT_THRESHOLD) $(@node).addClass('status-danger') $(@node).closest('li').css('z-index',10) else $(@node).removeClass('status-danger') $(@node).closest('li').css('z-index',2) new_relic.coffee
  6. Our Dashboard 1. Code Climate 2. Deploys 3. Desk 4.

    Github 5. New Relic 6. Pingdom 7. Rdio 8. Trello
  7. Github require 'octokit' SCHEDULER.every '60s', :first_in => 0 do |job|

    client = Octokit::Client.new(:login => "login", :password => "password") %w[churchmetrics open chop develop-dot-me].each do |repo| current = client.pull_requests("lifechurch/#{repo}").size send_event("#{repo}_pull_requests", current: current) end end
  8. Code Climate require 'httparty' projects = { my_project: "repo", }

    SCHEDULER.every ‘3m' do |job| projects.each do |name, repo| response = HTTParty.get("https://codeclimate.com/api/repos/#{repo}", body: {api_token: API_TOKEN} ) data = { current: response[:last_snapshot]["gpa"].to_s, last: (response[:previous_snapshot]["gpa"].to_s rescue "---") } send_event("codeclimate_#{name}", data ) end end
  9. Deploys user_email = `git config --global user.email`.chomp() data = {

    message: message, at: Time.now.to_i, who: user_email } redis = Redis.new redis.sadd("#{product}_deploys", data.to_json) inside our deployment script SCHEDULER.every '10s', :first_in => 0 do |job| redis = Redis.new %w[churchmetrics open chop devdotme].each do |product| data = redis.smembers("#{product}_deploys").map {|x| JSON.parse x}.sort_by { |k| k["at"] } items = data.pop(2).reverse! items.each {|i| i["at"] = relative_time_ago(Time.at(i["at"].to_i))+" ago"} items.each {|i| i["who"] = gravatar_url(i["who"])} send_event("#{product}_deploys", items: items) end end deploys_job.rb
  10. Rdio require 'rdio' SCHEDULER.every ‘20s' do |job| user_id = "blahblah"

    rdio = Rdio::BaseApi.new(“app_key", “app_secret") response = JSON.parse rdio.call("get", {"keys" => user_id, "extras" => "lastSongPlayed,lastSongPlayTime"}) if response["status"] == "ok" res = response["result"][user_id] song = res["lastSongPlayed"] data = { album: song["album"], artist: song["albumArtist"], cover: song["icon"], title: song["name"] } send_event("now_playing", data) end end
  11. New Relic api_url = 'https://api.newrelic.com/accounts/%s/applications/%s/%s.xml' action = :threshold_values apps =

    [] SCHEDULER.every ‘30s' do |job| global_metrics = [] apps.each do |app| metrics = {} url = api_url % [app[:account_id], app[:app_id], action] data = { headers: { "x-api-key" => app[:api_key]} } response = HTTParty.post(url,data).symbolize_keys! response[:threshold_values].each do |metric| metric.symbolize_keys! slug = metric[:name].downcase.gsub(/ /,'_') metrics[slug.to_sym] = metric[:formatted_metric_value] metrics[slug.to_sym] = metrics[slug.to_sym].gsub(/[^\d\.]/,'').to_i.ceil if slug == 'response_time' metrics[slug.to_sym] = metrics[slug.to_sym].gsub(/rpm/,'') if slug == 'throughput' end send_event("#{app[:name]}_product_health", {response_time: metrics[:response_time]}) send_event("#{app[:name]}_product_status", metrics) end end