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Contentless Marketing

Contentless Marketing

Almost everybody relies to some degree on some form of content marketing. We do market and keyword research, and we try to spot opportunities. We build landing pages and write articles to try and boost our rankings, optimize our ads, get traffic, and convert visitors.

What happens when that stops working? When the internet is drowning in generic, AI-generated content, when search is 'ambient' and keyword-less, and when Google has no incentive to crawl, index or rank our websites? How can brands use content to compete for attention in 'solved query spaces', when search engines can just synthesize information for their users?

If we want to be able to access an audience, we need to stop thinking of 'content' as something we put on pages and ads to attract or convert visits, and instead start to think about how to use content to solve user problems.

Jono Alderson

June 25, 2024

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  1. MARKETING FESTIVAL @jonoalderson Image source: LINK They can solve complex

    problems Stolen from Tom Anthony [@TomAnthonySEO], Search Pilot
  2. MARKETING FESTIVAL @jonoalderson twitter.com/blairmacgregor/status/1692870627902787914 “If you don't have unique value

    to bring to the conversation… …be it market positioning, a truly distinct editorial perspective, a more visually-oriented approach etc… …you ain't ranking.”
  3. MARKETING FESTIVAL @jonoalderson twitter.com/DarrenShaw_/status/1714302971276898804 “Does your content look like everyone

    else’s?” “Are you mainly summarizing what others have to say without adding much value?”
  4. MARKETING FESTIVAL @jonoalderson twitter.com/NicheSiteLady/status/1696855643263471786 “I should have been visiting places

    in person, emailing the companies, digging deep into forums… ” “I should have added sections with my own experiences, analysed the data and drawn my own conclusions, and added my own personal touch” “I should have also added real photos and data visualisations like charts”
  5. MARKETING FESTIVAL @jonoalderson Image source: LINK Be a brand that

    users would expect to see in the search results.
  6. MARKETING FESTIVAL @jonoalderson Set your content playbook on fire Jono

    Alderson Independent technical SEO consultant