an editor. Reality We all have blind spots. After immersing yourself in a topic, it’s easy to skip over important details. What’s more, there are some errors we make that we don’t realize until we’re corrected.
and spelling errors. Reality Editors review everything, including v Adherence to a style guide v Consistency v Diction v Tone v Flow v Visuals v Headline and subheadings
comes naturally to someone in this position. Resist it; it doesn’t help. Concentrate on the text and its problems, not the writers and their problems.” — Josh Bernoff
positive comments. A simple word like ‘nice!’ or ‘clever!’ can go a long way to help you establish rapport with coworkers (especially in a remote office).” — Jenny Karn
that package and transport data using messaging protocols compliant with NHIN specifications. The CONNECT software is a “common gateway,” or a sentinel that checks the credentials of every datum that seeks to pass through it. As long as the data are using messaging protocols that comply with NHIN, CONNECT gives them permission to proceed.
to be solicited. Because they needed more feedback, the co- chairs conducted more briefings. Identifying the need for further feedback, the co- chairs conducted additional briefings.
affects the American population, emergency personnel need a way to inform residents of what to do. Television and radio alerts help spread the word, but they cannot reach everyone. When a major emergency — a tornado, a bomb threat, the snowpocalypse that recently blanketed the Eastern seaboard — breaks out, people panic. Should I evacuate or shelter in place? For how long should I take cover in the bathtub? If inside, you can flip on a T.V. or radio. If outside, you can congregate and chat.
cellular phone. In the future, a message could be broadcasted to cellular and paging devices to notify the public of an approaching storm or other emergency. Yet what’s the one thing most of us carry regardless of where we are — the one thing we’re most likely to grab in an emergency? Hint: 91% of Americans own one. That’s right — it’s your cell phone. Portable and powerful, your cell phone is the perfect vehicle through which emergency responders can beam critical, urgent info to you before, during, and after a disaster. C ontinued
any good, and disrespects our industry. We advocate first pre-screening RFP recipient candidates through a request for qualifications (RFQ) as a means to uncover conflicts, true expertise, staffing, and (sometimes) locations. Choosing five to seven RFP recipient-contenders for your business is reasonable. And ending up with three or four finalists narrows the choice to a manageable level and winning agency. All too often, when issuing an RFP, companies will invite myriad PR agencies to respond. “Let’s cast a wide net,” the thinking goes. But an RFP shouldn’t be a cattle call. In fact, smart companies don’t even issue an RFP until they’ve issued an RFQ — a “request for qualifications.” This crucial prescreening document benefits both sides: it allows agencies to uncover any conflicts, while allowing companies to quickly size up an agency’s capabilities. Only then do smart companies put out an RFP. In this way, you not only prequalify your candidates; they also self-select themselves. As a result, whereas your competitors are thumbing through dozens of proposals, you can thoroughly analyze three or four that grok your needs.
ambitious, complex enterprise systems. As the system integrator, we make sure that each new system will harmonize with the centers’ IT architecture, business processes, mission, and customers. With people’s lives on the line, a health IT system’s parts can’t just come together; they must work together. And so must the people who design, develop, and test it. That takes more than a parts list and a schedule. It takes credible expertise in health IT design, development, usability, and testing. Mature, appraised practices. A mastery of interoperability and standards. A nuanced grasp of health policy and legislation. And the will — and skill — to harmonize competing factions into one “badgeless” team, with one mission: Yours.
team that “rescued” and integrated the Affordable Care Act Health Insurance Marketplace, an intricate, nationwide enterprise of business and technology, including the federal health-insurance exchange, In 2013, when the nation’s Health Insurance Marketplace needed help coming together, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services turned to its most expert integrator: Optum Government. Our rescue of was widely hailed as an astonishing turnaround.
how to choose research problems and partners that lead to high-impact research results and large societal benefits. For this large majority the message might be: The remaining 60-80% consist of those who haven’t thought much about these issues. For this cohort, I propose the following message:
impact of your research. You might want to try it, but you are welcome to do what you have been doing. The strategy is to work on realistic problems with partners in business, government, and NGOs. “If you want your research to have an impact, you need to make a decision. On one hand, you can do what your predecessors did — dedicate yourself to a labor of love with few commercial prospects — and hope for the best. On the other hand, you can work on realistic problems and partner with professionals in business, government, and NGOs to bring your ideas to fruition.” C ontinued