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Serving Machine Learning Models in Django with ...

Serving Machine Learning Models in Django with FastAPI

Session about serving machine learning models in Django with the FastAPI framework

Wesley Kambale

September 23, 2024

More Decks by Wesley Kambale

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  1. • Machine Learning Engineer • Community Builder • Explore ML

    Facilitator with Crowdsource by Google • Consultant at The Innovation Village • Google Dev Library Contributor Profile Interests Experience • Research in TinyML, TTS & LLM
  2. The agenda to agend… • Introduction & Overview • Setting

    Up the Django App • Building the FastAPI API • Integrating Django and FastAPI • Deploying Django and FastAPI • Q&A
  3. Introduction to ML Model Serving What is Model Serving? •

    Model serving is how machine learning models are deployed to make predictions in production. • We’ll use Django for the app framework and FastAPI for serving the model via APIs. Goal: Build an app that detects mango damage using a TensorFlow model with Django and FastAPI.
  4. Tools and Frameworks What tools and frameworks can we use?

    Django: A high-level Python web framework. FastAPI: A fast web framework to serve APIs, especially for machine learning models. TensorFlow: Our deep learning framework for building and serving the model. Uvicorn: ASGI server to run FastAPI apps.
  5. ├── mango_app 
 │ ├── __init__.py
 │ ├── views.py

 │ ├── __init__.py
 │ ├── api.py
 ├── model 
 │ ├── mango_model.h5
 ├── main/templates 
 │ ├── index.html
 └── manage.py
 Project Directory Layout
  6. Setting Up Django Web App How do I setup a

    Django application? Initialize a Django project and create an app. Set up views and templates to handle user interaction.
  7. # views.py
 from django.shortcuts import render
 def index(request):
 return render(request,

 # index.html
 <form action="/predict/" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
 <input type="file" name="mango_image" /> 
 <button type="submit">Detect</button> 

  8. FastAPI API Setup How do I setup a FastAPI? Set

    up FastAPI to load the model and serve the predictions via an endpoint. FastAPI handles asynchronous requests well, making it ideal for serving models.
  9. from fastapi import FastAPI, File, UploadFile
 import tensorflow as tf

    from PIL import Image
 import numpy as np
 app = FastAPI()
 model = tf.keras.models.load_model('model/mango_model.h5') 
 async def predict(file: UploadFile = File(...)):
 image = Image.open(file.file)
 img_array = np.array(image.resize((224, 224))) / 255.0
 predictions = model.predict(np.expand_dims(img_array, 0))
 return {"predictions": predictions.tolist()}

  10. Integrating Django with FastAPI How do I integrate FastAPI and

    Django? Django handles the web interface, while FastAPI serves the model. Use Uvicorn to run the FastAPI server and route requests from Django. # Bash
 uvicorn fastapi_app.api:app --reload --port 8001

  11. # Call FastAPI
 import requests
 from django.shortcuts import render

 def detect(request): 
 if request.method == 'POST':
 image = request.FILES['mango_image']
 response = requests.post('', files={'file': image})
 predictions = response.json()['predictions'] 
 return render(request, 'index.html', {'predictions': predictions})