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"Skalieren mit Kanban" mit Klaus Leopold

Lean DUS
October 19, 2015

"Skalieren mit Kanban" mit Klaus Leopold

Skalierbarkeit ist derzeit in der agilen Welt ein großes Thema. Die schönsten agilen Praktiken stoßen häufig an ihre Grenzen, wenn man mehr als ein paar Teams „agilisieren” will, geschweige denn über Bereiche im Unternehmen hinweg zusammenarbeiten will, die unterschiedliche Arbeitsweisen verwenden.

In diesem Vortrag zeigt Klaus Leopold, wie Kanban skaliert. Er zeigt auch ein Fallbeispiel, in dem Kanban in einem Kontext von über 200 Personen eingesetzt wird, ganz ohne irgendwelchen Skalierungs-Vodoo. Man muss einfach nur „richtiges” Kanban machen.

Lean DUS

October 19, 2015

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  1. Dr. Klaus Leopold web: www.LEANability.com blog: www.klausleopold.com mail: [email protected]

    @klausleopold Skalieren mit Kanban Lean DUS, 19. Oktober 2015, Düsseldorf, DE
  2. www.LEANability.com @klausleopold SW Development Project • SW development project, ~200

    people - project management - 1 PRM, 5 PMs - 1 product team - 8 business and marketing representatives - 5 business analysts, 3 architects - 10 dev teams, ~120 people - 4 web teams, 2 iPhone teams, 1 Android team, 
 1 shop team, 2 backend teams - 3 QA teams, ~35 people - 2 OPS teams, ~25 people • Main dissatisfactions: - Bad coordination of the whole project WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
  3. www.LEANability.com @klausleopold Team Dynamic Systems Development Method Scrum Kanban Extreme

    Programming Adaptive Software Development Agile Unified Process Crystal Feature Driven Development Lean Software Development Scrum-ban
  4. www.LEANability.com @klausleopold Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team

    Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team am Team Team Team Team
  5. www.LEANability.com @klausleopold Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team

    Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Team An organization is not a container of independent teams!! Team am Team Team Team Team
  6. www.LEANability.com @klausleopold The performance of a system is not the

    sum of its parts. It’S the product of its interactions. — Russell Ackoff
  7. www.LEANability.com @klausleopold Agility of an organization is not having a

    lot of agile teams. It’s having agile interactions between teams.
  8. www.LEANability.com @klausleopold SW Development Project • SW development project, ~200

    people - project management - 1 PRM, 5 PMs - 1 product team - 8 business and marketing representatives - 5 business analysts, 3 architects - 10 dev teams, ~120 people - 4 web teams, 2 iPhone teams, 1 Android team, 
 1 shop team, 2 backend teams - 3 QA teams, ~35 people - 2 OPS teams, ~25 people • Main dissatisfactions: - Bad coordination of the whole project Focus on optimizing how to create value and do not optimize organizational structures!
  9. @klausleopold www.LEANability.com Practices of Kanban Principles of Kanban 1. Start

    with what you do now 2. Agree to pursue improvement through evolutionary change 3. Encourage acts of leadership at every level in your organization 1. Visualize 6. You’re allowed to think! 2. Limit Work In Progress 3. Manage Flow 4. Make Policies Explicit 5. Implement Feedback Loops
  10. www.LEANability.com @klausleopold 1. FOCUS ON VALUE CREATION —-> What are

    your services? —> How are you creating value? 2. FIGURE OUT WHOM YOU NEED —> teams, departments, etc.—- > it’s not about local optima START AS BROAD AS YOU CAN —> Use the leverage if you can! —-> whole PROJECT in this example
  11. www.LEANability.com @klausleopold Build a hierarchy-bridging and cross-functional change team. program

    manager, project manager(s), team delegates build a Kanban system together
  12. www.LEANability.com @klausleopold define B-epics develop & test integrate & test

    run user acc. tests roll-out prog. version concretize idea rough idea split epics
  13. www.LEANability.com @klausleopold define B-epics develop & test integrate & test

    business & marketing 2 ops teams 10 dev teams run user acc. tests roll-out 5 BAs & 3 Arch prog. version concretize idea rough idea 3 QA teams split epics
  14. www.LEANability.com @klausleopold idea doing approved int. (24) concretize idea (12)

    define B-epics (20) in development (8) review B-epics (10) ready for dev rejected (∞) ready for int (1) test (1) ready to roll (1) roll out DONE (4) NEXT epic program version integration every Monday release every Wednesday Kanban on project level doing done doing done UAT
  15. www.LEANability.com @klausleopold It’s not “mandatory” that (all) teams do KANBAN!!

    LET TEAMS PULL CHANGE! We only started KANBAN on project level That’s also a perfect way to organize work for multiple SCRUM teams
  16. www.LEANability.com @klausleopold task story (5) develop (∞) int. test (∞)

    UAT (2) waiting 4 EPIC epic define Task Stories (4) NEXT (1) review epic READY 2 ROLL Kanban on team level This part of the board is POTENTIAL DEMAND for the team! Epic 1 + Task Stories Epic 2 + Task Stories (5) test doing done
  17. www.LEANability.com @klausleopold Coordination • Project stand-up, twice per week -

    2 program management delegates - 3 delegates from the solution team - 5 delegates from the dev teams - 3 delegates from the QA teams - 1 delegate from the OPS teams • Team stand-ups - Dev teams, daily - QA teams, twice per week - OPS teams, twice per week • Improvement meetings - each Dev, QA, and OPS team, 2-weekly to 4-weekly cadence - Program retro, monthly cadence
  18. www.LEANability.com @klausleopold Flight Level 1: Isolated team/service, uncoordinated input Do

    Something Smart DONE Flight Level 4: Portfolio Product A Product B Project X Project Y Biz-Analyze Org-Architect Realization Integration Roll-Out Flight Level 3: Value stream, multiple connected teams/services DONE Flight Level 2: Single team/service, coordinated input Split Develop Review DONE The Kanban Flight Levels
  19. www.LEANability.com @klausleopold Scalability in Kanban simply means doing real Kanban

    at any scale in your organization! I don’t know how each and every company on this planet works most effectively! But we can figure it out for yours!
  20. LEANability GmbH | Grundlgasse 5/11 | A-1090 Wien o f

    f i c e @ L E A N a b i l i t y. c o m | + 4 3 6 7 6 3 3 0 4 8 0 3 www.LEANability.com | facebook.LEANability.com www.bit.ly/kcl-wiley 25% off promo code VBJ24 EXTRA: E-Book inside klaus LEOPOLD KANBAN VOM TEAMFOKUS ZUR WERTSCHÖPFUNG in der Praxis www.bit.ly/kanbaninit-v2 to appear in May 2016