customer support for a day, whatever your main job is. Engage and ask a lot of questions. Put together a lead generation document. Update all the support documents. Learn to handle Google AdWords, banner advertising, text advertising etc. Research potential partners APIs and terms of service. Hack the officespace. Make it something like Zappos or 37Signals Plan a Jobs-section. Make your startup sound cooler than anyone else. Watch at least 10 customers use your product. Communicate your learnings. Retweet relevant Twitter-posts and schedule updates. Gather favour- ites! Scan and organize or those papers. Learn scrum. Design stickers and t-shirts. Make a cheeky robots.txt file. Check out and Benchmark the best internal com- munication solutions: Hipchat, Flowdock, Yammer, Basecamp, Google SItes etc. Try out Reinvigorate, Get Satis- faction, UserVoice, Geckoboard and other hip startup tools . Shadow a user for a day to see where the pain points are. Survey people who returned the product or took a trial and didn’t continue. Digg deep into Quora, Digg, Red- dit, Twitter. Identify super-users, twitter-lists, Facebook groups. Write a blogpost on your learning experiences. Make an internal Spotify list. Make a company blog (check out for hosted or or Plan a company summer party. Execute some crazy vision with zero-budget!