Unpacking the ATOL Consultation: ABTA Travel Law Seminar
It’s a little over a year since the launch of the ATOL Consultation on funding arrangements. At the recent ABTA Travel Law Seminar, TTC’s Martin Alcock summarised his views on the progress, timescales and what changes might be on the horizon.
a more systematic approach to ATOL holder risk, and that better prices any residual risk an ATOL holder poses to the consumer. The objective would be to encourage and incentivise ATOL holders to reduce their reliance on customers’ money as a source of funding working capital thereby requiring them to pursue a more robust funding structure and financial policy. ATOL Reform 1 1
Protection Contribution (APC) Minor changes to rules around agency agreements Changes to Small Business ATOL (SBA) payment terms The consultation covered 4 areas
Balance due E.g. £250 Credit/debit X Credit/debit X E.g. £750 Return Current a/c E.g. £200 X E.g. £550 X E.g. £800 E.g. £200 *Only if cover against supplier failure is in place
calculation of total aggregate of gross ATOL client money held: If escrow a/c balance is more than 70% trustee can release cash down to 70% If escrow a/c balance is less than 70%, company must top up the account to 70%