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These are not the architectures you’re looking ...

These are not the architectures you’re looking for… What agile development needs from architecture

This is not about what an "Agile Architecture" could be. It is about the view from the opposite direction:
How can architecture work look like in order to act as an enabler to work in the spirit of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development?

There are answers to questions like.
• Why is architecture documentation so rarely read?
• How much technology focus is helpful and why?
• What knowledge needs to be built by yourself in the first place?
• What does programming have to do with architecture?
And above all: what does it mean in practice?

This is not about the question "How does a good architecture emerge in an 'Agile environment'". Nor is it about whether hexagonal, clean or onion architectures are good for ‘agile projects’.

Rather, it is about the view from the opposite direction:
What should architecture work look like in practice to act as an enabler for working in the way of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development?

Covering (at least) these points:
* Being read is more important than writing or: The worm must taste good to the fish, not to the angler.
* Concepts are more important than technologies or: Kafka is not a business interface
* Parnas and Dijksta are more important than reddit/r/docker or: "Have we reinvented the wheel yet this year?"
* Software crafting is an architecture issue or: Riding a bike is only easy if you've learned how to do it

We look at what is actually meant by this in detail, and how we can arrive at "good practices" for the daily work.

Michael Mahlberg

January 30, 2024

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  1. Slide # 2023 Michael Mahlberg Background Photo by David Rodrigo

    on These are not the Architectures you’re looking for... 1 https://twitter.com/StarWarsDE/status/643112156385406977?lang=en Slido.com # 2030 910
  2. Slide # Background Photo by David Rodrigo on 2024 Michael

    Mahlberg These are not the architectures you’re lookin or… What a ile development needs rom architecture 2
  3. Slide # Background Photo by David Rodrigo on 2024 Michael

    Mahlberg Chat with your nei hbor or a bit: For what purpose would people rom a team in an a ile endeavor look at "the architecture"?
  4. Slide # 2024 Michael Mahlberg ere is n "Agile” Manifest

    At least not, if we take the markup seriously
  5. Slide # Background Photo by David Rodrigo on 2024 Michael

    Mahlberg Some well known architectures
  6. Slide # Background Photo by David Rodrigo on 2024 Michael

    Mahlberg Bein read is more important than writin – The bait must be allurin or the fish, not or the fisher.
  7. Slide # 2024 Michael Mahlberg Background Image Credit: Some rights

    reserved by Kyle Pearce https://www.flickr.com/photos/keepitsurreal/8618843702 Be a Librarian Not a Writer Photo by 󰐶 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash Photo by Min An:
  8. Slide # 2024 Michael Mahlberg Background Image Credit: Some rights

    reserved by Kyle Pearce https://www.flickr.com/photos/keepitsurreal/8618843702 Be a Gardener Not a Warden Photo by CDC on Unsplash Photo by Larry Farr on Unsplash
  9. Slide # 2024 Michael Mahlberg Background Image Credit: Some rights

    reserved by Kyle Pearce https://www.flickr.com/photos/keepitsurreal/8618843702 ADRs considered harm ul… … sometimes… … especially in conjunction with docs-as-code
  10. Slide # 2024 Michael Mahlberg Background Image Credit: Some rights

    reserved by Kyle Pearce https://www.flickr.com/photos/keepitsurreal/8618843702 acilitate interactions Don’t micromana e Photo by cottonbro studio: Photo by Михаил Казаченко
  11. Slide # Background Photo by David Rodrigo on 2024 Michael

    Mahlberg Concepts are more important than technolo ies – Ka ka is not a business inter ace
  12. Slide # 2024 Michael Mahlberg Background Image Credit: Some rights

    reserved by Kyle Pearce https://www.flickr.com/photos/keepitsurreal/8618843702 acilitate interactions Don’t micromana e Photo by cottonbro studio: Photo by Михаил Казаченко
  13. Slide # Background Photo by David Rodrigo on 2024 Michael

    Mahlberg Parnas and Dijksta are more important than reddit/r/docker – "Have we reinvented the wheel yet this year?"
  14. Slide # 2024 Michael Mahlberg Background Image Credit: Some rights

    reserved by Kyle Pearce https://www.flickr.com/photos/keepitsurreal/8618843702 Create a Plat orm Not a Piece o Art Photo by Xavi Cabrera on Unsplash Photo by Erik Mclean
  15. Slide # 2024 Michael Mahlberg Background Image Credit: Some rights

    reserved by Kyle Pearce https://www.flickr.com/photos/keepitsurreal/8618843702 Be a Bobby … Not the MP Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia
  16. Slide # 2024 Michael Mahlberg For (way more) detail(s) look

    at 28 https://www.slideshare.net/ufried/excavating-the-knowledge-of-our-ancestors
  17. Slide # Photo by Patrik Bloudek on Unsplash 2024 Michael

    Mahlberg 29 https://www.win.tue.nl/~wstomv/edu/2ip30/ references/criteria_for_modularization.pdf
  18. Slide # Photo by Hans Reniers on Unsplash 2024 Michael

    Mahlberg Parnas 1972 "The effectiveness o a 'modularization' is dependent upon the criteria used in dividin the system into modules." "The second decomposition was made usin "in ormation hidin " as a criterion. [...] Every module in the second decomposition is characterized by its knowled e o a desi n decision which it hides rom all others. Its inter ace or definition was chosen to reveal as little as possible about its inner workin s.” "There are a number o desi n decisions which are questionable and likely to chan e under many circumstances. [...] By lookin at these chan es we can see the differences between the two modularizations. https://www.slideshare.net/ufried/excavating-the-knowledge-of-our-ancestors
  19. Slide # Photo by Hans Reniers on Unsplash 2024 Michael

    Mahlberg Colyer 2016 "I we ive that title a sli ht twist – 'On the criteria to be used in decomposin systems into services' – it's easy to see how this 45-year old paper can speak to contemporary issues." https://blog.acolyer.org/2016/09/05/on-the-criteria-to-be-used-in-decomposing-systems-into-modules/
  20. Slide # Background Photo by David Rodrigo on 2024 Michael

    Mahlberg So tware cra tin is an architecture issue – Ridin a bike is only easy i you've learned how to do it
  21. Slide # 2024 Michael Mahlberg Background Image Credit: Some rights

    reserved by Kyle Pearce https://www.flickr.com/photos/keepitsurreal/8618843702 Be Mr. Miya i Don’t be a Drill Sar ent Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/evaapp/394243373
  22. Slide # 2024 Michael Mahlberg Background Image Credit: Some rights

    reserved by Kyle Pearce https://www.flickr.com/photos/keepitsurreal/8618843702 Be a Conductor Not a Producer Photo by Thirdman: Photo by Jadson Thomas
  23. Slide # 2024 Michael Mahlberg Background Image Credit: Some rights

    reserved by Kyle Pearce https://www.flickr.com/photos/keepitsurreal/8618843702 (My (current)) Conclusion: Agile development endeavors need architecture to be a facilitating element with strong opinions (sometimes loosely held).
  24. Slide # 2024 Michael Mahlberg About Michael • For questions

    just mail me: mm@michaelmahlber .com • On Mastodon you can find me as @MMahlber @mastodon.online (On Twitter I used to be @MMahlber ) • I sometimes blo in en lish at http://a ile-aspects.michaelmahlber .com • The German blo is rather out o date, thou h http://shu-ha-ri.michaelmahlber .de • My homepa e can be ound at http://www.michaelmahlber .de • And you can find the company at https://www.consultin - uild.de