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6-2 Weekly Check-Ins

6-2 Weekly Check-Ins

More Decks by Patricia Sung | Motherhood in ADHD

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  1. Module 6 - Part 2 of 3_ weekly check-ins Wed,

    Apr 27, 2022 9:47AM 4:12 SUMMARY KEYWORDS plan, check, write, week, tactically, weekly, gerbil wheel, ekaterina, calendar, paper, talking, planner, saving, list, upcoming, monday, underestimation, meal planning, openings, shaken SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 Hey there, Mama. Welcome back to module six, we're talking about our weekly check in. Now, tactically, what does this look like? When you sit down, you're gonna get out your planner and take a look at it. Now personally, I do a hybrid digital paper system where everything is kept digitally. And I only plan out what's going on the next week on paper, things changed too far out in halftime, I probably change my mind anyway. So I'm just looking at the upcoming week, what's going on? Where am I appointments is anything out of the ordinary? We're going through looking through every day. Patricia Sung 00:32 Now, if you don't want to do a paper one, that's fine, you can just go through and look through each day. And just do it mentally. I find that a lot of times with ADHD brains writing out help. So even if you get out like a scrap piece of paper, and you write down Monday, two o'clock dentist appointment, and you just literally write it out, not even like to keep but just so that your brain like knows, like remembers that better with the moment. And that's okay, too. You want to find the way that works best for your brain to remember these things. Patricia Sung 01:01 So for a paper planner, that's where I go through and, you know, make sure have written down everything that's going on. If you're planning just that week, writing in all those appointments, and tactically looking at the full week. Now, I'm not talking about this in the calendar class. But if you want to get like super into this in the rhythms class that's coming up next. This is one of things I talked about, like what goes into that, you know, planning session, because this is also where I do my meal planning, where I check in with my husband and make sure that I know like when he's traveling, what's going on with him like this, the weekly check in is not just about my calendar, like this is my life planning session for the upcoming week.
  2. Patricia Sung 01:40 And it may be something you want

    to do as like a family where if you have teenagers, maybe this is something you do as a group, or maybe you prepare yourself ahead of time, and then you check in with the teenagers. I want you to keep in mind that for every 10 minutes that you plan, you are saving yourself an hour of work later. So if you plan for 20 minutes, you're saving yourself two hours, if you're playing for 30 minutes, you're saving yourself three hours. And to me I feel like for ADHD greens, that's probably like wait, like an underestimation because I know that like if I plan out my meals ahead of time, when comes dinner? I'm for sure saving more time than that, because I'm not like opening the freezer and being like, what are we going to eat? Like I already know, and it's ready to go. And we're moving and shaken nuts like, I don't know, which are some like all that wasted dime gets tossed out the window because I made a plan already. And I'm not spending my day pondering what am I going to do next and just in the old gerbil wheel of like, I don't know what to do about dinner? No, I already have a plan that's already written. And it's already decided, and I'm not worried about it because I already thought about it. And I'm not trying to think about it while the kids are screaming and hungry. Patricia Sung 02:50 So that is your weekly check in figuring out what's going on in the upcoming week, making a plan, checking for errors, checking with the other people who are involved, looking for openings, where you can fill in to do assignments. And keep in mind though, don't go in and fill in your whole to do list in the week ahead. Because if something does get on Monday, then you have to start changing things around. And we're not doing full shebang to do list for the weekly check in. I'm just looking at the beginning of the week. What am I going to do on Monday, not Friday, because I'm not sure you remember Friday. Patricia Sung 03:28 So in your to do list, this would be a time where you might want to get that out and think about the most important things that need to happen but do not plan your To Do lists for late in the week, which I'm about to do this later. But stay with me don't plan your whole week have to do this. We're just planning the events that have to get done. That's what should be on your calendar or things that have to get done at a certain time. Most to do lists I will not be have to get done at a certain time. Most of them are like more vague of like, I should call that person on Wednesday. But like if it happened at 905 or 1032 It doesn't matter so that's not Ekaterina. Okay, next one talking about daily check ins and I will see you in just a moment.