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8-4 FAQs | More on the Calendar [9 mins]

8-4 FAQs | More on the Calendar [9 mins]

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  1. Module 8 - FQA: systems logistics Wed, 4/27 9:50AM 8:32

    SUMMARY KEYWORDS planner, habit, calendar, system, bullet journal, reminder, answer, question, work, paper, kitchen, check, clipboard, adjust, set, leave, space, depending, swim lessons, pandemic SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:03 Hey there successful mama. Welcome back to module eight FAQs. This video is all about frequently asked questions on the systems and logistics of things. Patricia Sung 00:14 So first question I get, I don't have enough space, like, do I need a different calendar with more space? Do I need to have abbreviations? Like, what do I do here? Patricia Sung 00:23 Remember, you're using the system you already had in place. And if you notice that you need more space, that's fine, like make a note. And then we're adjusting or where we have our scientists hat on is that we tried something and it didn't quite work or in adjust, and we're going to find it better. So the goal right now is not to have the most beautiful planner there ever was, the point is to figure out the system that works for you. And then once you know what you need on that piece of paper or on that calendar, then you can adjust the system. So usually, if you need more space of tissues and paper. Patricia Sung 01:02 And I would say just like, can you just deal with it for like the next week, and playing it out. And then when you figure out what you need on that planner, then we can go find the right planner. But the problem is if we just immediately buy another planner, we're never going to develop the system because now we're trying to adjust the system, the planner, instead of making the planner to the system. Okay, so basically, I'm telling you just hold tight, you'll be alright, we'll find the right planner in a second, stick with the system first.
  2. Patricia Sung 01:38 Okay, next one. I mentioned in an

    earlier video that I keep maybe for calendar on a clipboard. So question is, do I take this with me when I'm out and about the answer guns right now, because we are still in pandemic times, the paper planner does not usually go with me, I'm not leaving my house that much. I leave it my planner stays on a clipboard in the kitchen on the island. And I take a picture of it that's new. And a part of our nightly check in is that I take a photo of it. And if I need it while I'm out, it's there. So if I have extra time, like I'm sitting in maybe like a, you know, pickup drop offline, I can look at it and see like, oh, I have time to make that phone call right now I'm sitting here. But that we can get lost out and about in pre pandemic times when I was working outside the home part time. Patricia Sung 02:39 So after the teacher different job from referring to now is that I would take the planer and I would take it inside my bullet journal. And that did go with me everywhere because I was out and about a lot. And I had gotten the habit down of leaving it in my bag. And that was a tome instead of the kitchen counter because I was out and about way more often. And it just lived in my purse. I really liked the bullet journal because it I have the really like skinny thin ones and they fit in your bag fine and not super heavy. And that can tape it in there and still be able to write on it. But, um, if you're worried you're gonna lose it like just don't don't take it with you. That's the answer. Patricia Sung 03:27 If you really need it, like for example, if you are also going to school and you need your planner with you, then yeah, you need to take it with you. So this is a depends on your situation. answer if you really need it, take it with don't really need it. Like really, really need it. Leave it in its designated home at your house so that it does not wander off. Patricia Sung 03:52 Next question, how do I remember to sync my calendars? I don't do digital. And like another question is like, Oh, if you'd have like a, you know, like one in the kitchen where everybody looks at it, how do you sync those? Patricia Sung 04:07 Um, I do not do this because I don't think that that's why I don't use this system. I've tried this system. I actually am a goober and tried to do this last week because Oh, I'm gonna plan or summer out on a piece of paper and I'm gonna can see it or not. I'm already not happy to the thing and it's been the fourth week. So why like this is this it doesn't want. So that would be my go to answer is that if you don't need it, then don't do it because it's more work to keep up with it.
  3. Patricia Sung 04:39 But if you do decide that this

    is something you want to do. What I want you to do is aim for checking in on that every day that you do your check in because things change a lot for sure you need to do to your weekly check in. But the reason I say to do it on your daily one is because when you have the habit of keeping up with things daily If you miss one day, it's not really the end of the world. But the same thing with my laundry. It's like I do a little laundry every day. Speaking of which didn't put that laundry in the dryer, gotta go do that. If you do it every day, if you miss one day, it's not that big of a deal. Patricia Sung 05:15 If you only plan on doing it, like once a week, and then you forget to do it once a week. Now you goes two whole weeks before you have actually checked in on a calendar. And it's probably wrong at that point. So game for it every night is that part of your check in is that you check the daily calendar and making sure check the wall kitchen calendar and make sure that it is correct. Um, doo doo doo doo. Oh, yeah, so I'm looking at my notes. Patricia Sung 05:45 The here it's like this balance of like, grace and pushing yourself is that, you know, if you miss one day, it's not on the world, it's totally fine. But if you're missing it two or three days in a row, then that's telling you that the habit hasn't really set yet and you're still in the habit forming stage. And in that case, like you're putting more effort into making habits, and that's different than, like, set it and forget it. And it's automatic, already, like a set habit they joined to think about. So if you keep missing something that's supposed to be like a habit, that means it's not habit yet, and you need to like back up a step and solidify that habit before you're moving on to like other things, which is hard for us. Patricia Sung 06:30 And then very last question here is that, if I'm using a paper calendar, how should I set up my reminders? Patricia Sung 06:38 And this goes back to the last video about I have reminders for everything. So I set reminders for anytime I'm regularly leaving the house, like if there's any kind of like swim lessons gymnastics, karate, whatever activity you're doing, like, I haven't a reminder that says on Wednesday, at this time, we'll leave for swim lessons, because I'll forget otherwise. I have a reminder to pick up my kids. Anytime I need to pick up my kids, I set a timer. I just know that I can get like really zoned in on whatever I'm working on. And I'll and I don't have a sense of time. So I have a reminder for everything. And yeah, so don't forget, set up your miners. Patricia Sung 07:25
  4. Patricia Sung 07:25 I set them for the exact minute

    that I have to like must put on shoes and walk out the door right now. Because if it's too far ahead, I'll snooze it, and then ignore it. And then obviously, if it's too close, then I don't have enough time to do all those things. So you'll kind of find like your sweet spot. I know mine is about you know, depending on how far something is obviously, but I need about five minutes to get myself out of the house with kids about 15 minutes to get everybody out of the house and into the car. Patricia Sung 07:55 So you'll start to feel like you know, obviously depending on your kids ages and their situation, how much time you need. And yeah, I I set a reminder to do all the exiting. Because they have no sense of time. So yeah, reminder yourself away. Like if you go through my timers on my phone, there's got to be like 25 of them, and that's okay. Alright. That is I think all the questions I had about systems and logistics and I will see you in the next video.