7:21 SUMMARY KEYWORDS ball, important, extracurricular activity, glass, plastic, matters, sanity, family, juggling, care, frequently asked questions, tend, video, practice, easier, volunteer, brain, valuable, shiny, hopper SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:03 Hey there, Mama. Welcome back module eight on frequently asked questions. This video is carrying the question, I still don't have enough time, what do I cut? Am I trying to do too much? Am I not being efficient? Like, what's the problem here? Patricia Sung 00:18 My answer is probably both. As you sort out your day and your calendar and your routines and all and you build in the habits and make everything run more efficiently, yes, you will have more time because you're doing those things in a more like in a more efficient way, it's going to be faster, and that will get easier. But also, like, Mom plates are really full. There's never a shortage of stuff for us to do for our families. And there's always another volunteer opportunity, there's always another extracurricular activity to do. Patricia Sung 00:58 And there will come a point where it's just too much, and you do need to cut things out. Every time we say yes to something, it means we're saying no to something else, and understanding what's important to us and what our values are. And what truly matters to me and to our family as a whole allows us to understand better what we should be saying yes and no to because we're guiding it by our value system. For some people, maybe taking on an extra, extra extracurricular activity is really important for them, because that's where their values lie. Patricia Sung 01:39 But if that's not where your values lie, and then using that time for something else might be so much more valuable, and you'd get so much more out of it. So that depends on you. And as you get to know yourself. And as you get to know your ADHD and you start to see like the pieces