Simple Morning Routine SUMMARY KEYWORDS bathroom, pieces, waking, kid, dumping, backpacks, write, happen, brush, leave, information, brain, mama, pack, shoes, teeth SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 Hey, they're successful mama here is our first step we're going to write down everything that has to happen in the time for you to leave the house, literally everything. I want you to write down three pieces of information, one who's doing the action to what they're doing, and then three where they're doing it. Patricia Sung 00:17 So example, Kid number one versus teeth in the bathroom kid number to brush his teeth in the bathroom, then maybe your little one needs your help. So mom, brushes kid number three is deep in the bathroom. Get in there. Like all the stuff you have to pack and get ready to go backpacks getting on shoes, waking up this person waking them up again, all those things have to happen, put them on the list, but we're brain dumping here. It doesn't matter what order it's in or anything like that. Just get everything on the paper that has to happen in that time before you leave with those three pieces of information who, what and where. And then I'll meet you back in the next video.