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Step 5 - The Simple Evening Routine

Step 5 - The Simple Evening Routine

More Decks by Patricia Sung | Motherhood in ADHD

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  1. Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 1 - Step 5 - The

    Simple Evening Routine SUMMARY KEYWORDS moms, morning, breakfast, ready, adhd, kids, visual reminder, remember, day, strategies, put, prepare, figured, talk, face, sense, week, set, overwhelmed, supplies SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:02 Hey there successful Mama, I'm Patricia Sung and I help disorganized moms get their act together one step at a time so that you feel competent running your home and family life. Welcome to our very last day, yay for coming back. One last video and you made it. Today we're going to make a plan to gather the rest of our supplies. We gathered supplies when we packed our bags, that was all the stuff that was going with us. But what about all the stuff we need in the morning that's in the house that we're using throughout the morning. We've already discussed the roadblocks that we've hit before feelings were letting go of and grabbing on to, we figured out where we're going by looking at our calendar, and we made space to make breakfast. Patricia Sung 00:47 Remember, if you're feeling stuck and overwhelmed and scared, and whatever negative emotion stirring up, remember, center on your y. And that's going to help you get where you want to go. Now, we use a lot of stuff in the morning. And because I don't want you to feel overwhelmed, we're going to break this down into chunks. And I want you to pick just one area for today. When you get the hang of that you can add on another one. Patricia Sung 01:10 But for today, just one let's brainstorm what do you need to use in the morning, there's so many groups of things that you can pick. So pick the one that you think is going to make the most impact on you tomorrow. There are things like getting dressed, maybe you can set out your outfit and you know including your shoes and your jewelry and all that maybe you can focus on getting you know ready in the morning in terms of making sure you have your face wash and toothbrush and makeup and those types of things set out. Maybe you can organize your medicine or vitamins with one of those days of the month. Or not do that month, do his hair that week, pillboxes, you could prepare the breakfast supplies and put out bowls and spoons and cereal and oatmeal. Or you could cook breakfast the night before and have it in the fridge ready to go. You could get ready your workout stuff. If you want to do a yoga video after the kids head off to school, or during nap time, set out your exercise clothes so that you put those on the morning and you're more likely to do it. If your yoga mat is out and your water is there and your towel is ready. If it's cold outside non-problem Here, I live in Texas. But you might want to set out your coat and gloves and hat and scarf and all that stuff that I don't miss wearing in your lips gonna
  2. Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 2 - look different, you could

    pick something that I didn't mention, think about just one thing that you do to get ready one section one little area and what you need to get ready for that section, you're going to add that to the list that we already started on our phones keep it all in the same place. It's easier to keep track of why does this help you we're less likely to forget something if you see it right there in front of your face, you are more likely to go for a walk if you are dressed in clothes appropriate for walking, you're saving time by not searching for lost items can't find this looking at a panic, we talked about that already. You are increasing your kids responsibility. If you have everything set out for breakfast, your kid, I mean, even in kindergarten can pour some milk in and some cereal and start their own breakfast. Breeding independence in your kids early is so important. I was a middle school teacher for many years. And I won't get off on that tangent, but super helpful. And it's also less for you to do. Patricia Sung 03:26 What else does it help us with? It lightens our load. Obviously, we still have to eat at some point. But we can make it faster because it's already ready to go. I asked my son who's in kindergarten, as many days I remember what he wants for breakfast the next day at bedtime because I can have it ready to go before he's downstairs. He's not really a breakfast person takes after my husband, he's not hungry in the morning. He doesn't want to think about food and shoes. So if you're making those things ready the night before it's eliminating, you know fights or bad moods because it's already decided he has buying into it because he chose a waffle with almond butter. So when the waffle with almond butter sitting there, he knows that's what I picked and I'm going to eat it and it lessens a lot of the morning frustrations because it's already ready decided and it's limiting your decision fatigue. We haven't gotten too far into that. But that's a huge issue for mamas we have to decide things all day long. So if we can lessen the amount of things we have to deal with in the morning in a stressful situation that saves mental power for later in the day. So your step for today is we're already setting the timer for 15 minutes to clear the hole to make breakfast or eat breakfast. You've set out your supplies for the one morning task that you've picked out of all the ideas that we just went through or your own idea. You looked at your calendar very quickly what's going on tomorrow you've packed your bag and have it ready to go with the little sign of things you need to add the last minute it. So in total, you're spending about 20 to 30 minutes prepping the evening before, but you were easily saving that amount of time, the next morning because all this stuff still had to be done right. But you're doing it with a calm mind, instead of panic, we have things to do, we're on a schedule mind. And you're seeding that mental capacity so that you can be focusing on things like having a quality conversation with your kid at breakfast, instead of running around like crazy lady throwing things in backpacks, you are not a robot. Now you are going to tailor all of these things to match your style, to match your stage of motherhood to match your life and your family. And building these skills will help you in other areas as well. Because you're building you're preparing muscle, which means you will know how to prepare other things as well. Patricia Sung 05:50 So be proud of yourself. Look at all the wonderful things you have accomplished this week. Take it in enjoy and continue that momentum. Keep up with those reminders, you can do it and you can make a difference in both your mornings and your kids mornings. So stay tuned for the ADHD moment if you'd like otherwise, Mama have an amazing, amazing week. We'll talk soon. So for today's ADHD moment, we're talking about object permanence. Now, it's not that we don't know that they still exist when we
  3. Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 3 - can see them, right,

    we've got that part down. So you hear jokes about it. Like we struggle with this concept. We don't actually struggle with the permanence of objects. But we do struggle with remembering things that we can't see. Now you'll see this in little ways. Like we buy fruit, we send it in the fridge door, which I call the fruit coffin. And then we don't remember it until it's already gross and moldy. And it's truly deeded. We also can see this in big things like in a relationship where we're not around our partner, and they're like, Hey, why haven't you texted me? Why haven't you checked on me. And it's just when things are in our face, we remember them, we see them. It's a visual reminder. And when we don't see the stuff that visual minor, and we're not as aware of those things. So we want to use this concept to our advantage, instead of the other ways that we struggle with it. How can we use that to our advantage? How do we put things out where we will easily remember them? How can we put our things by the door? So we take them with us? How do we have those visual reminders to add a day to help us make sense, help us remind ourselves all those ways that we can use that to our advantage and to help us now this is just one piece of the puzzle. Patricia Sung 07:33 When you have prepared the night before to make a really calm morning, everything's flow is smooth as it gets around. That's just one piece of your day getting set up to make sense for you and your family. When we have ADHD, a lot of times it feels like our days just happening to us it feels out of control. And it doesn't feel like we've chosen the way that we want our day to go. It's just happening. And it doesn't have to feel like that when you have the skills and the strategies in place to talk to you in a way that makes sense for your brain, then you can make sense of your day, you can have a plan that fits you, you can feel competent about your day, you can have space to have meaningful conversations with your kids, you can have space for rest, and fun and hobbies, get all the boring stuff done that nobody wants to do. But we still have to do because our moms want to do other things. And you can have the kind of day that you want so that by the time you get to the end of the night, you're not overwhelmed and frustrated and taking it out on everyone else. Sprinkle experience. Patricia Sung 08:27 Okay, so it is possible to do that. And the reason I know this is because I figured it out. Am I perfect? No. But I figured out a way to run my day so that I feel good about it, I get done the things I want to do. And it makes sense for my family. And I've been teaching mom after mom after mom how to do this. And it works, you can learn these strategies for you. And the beautiful thing is that once you've learned these strategies, like an figured them out for you, you can keep using them, it's not a one time deal, you recycle them every time your seasons change, and your kids grow, you have the strategies you need to make it all work. And then as a mom, you can then teach your kids these strategies because a lot of times when we have ADHD so to our kids, and we can then teach them how to set up their day that makes sense for them, and be able to create your own structure when you need it. And yet still have fun and not be stifled by this plan. Because it's very fluid. It's very movable. It's very like flexible, you make it fit you because we all know something's gonna vomit. And then you're gonna have to reduce that write, redo the schedule everything around. In this case, you know, the easy way to fix it so that tomorrow, you can still get those things done or two days from now, you know how to make it make sense for you. Now, if all this hits home for you, I want to invite you and say please come join us in time management mastery for ADHD moms. It's an 11 week program where we walk through how do you put all the pieces of your life together and make a rhythm to your day that makes sense for you and it's
  4. Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 4 - actually sustainable that you

    can actually keep up with. I know it's possible. I want to help you live the life that you want to live. So join me in time ninja mastery for ADHD Moms. I'm going to link it here underneath the video but the website is Bitly forward slash ADHD framework. And I'd love to see you in there successful mama so Bitly forward slash ADHD framework, comm join the 100 other moms who are in our community and figuring out how to work their life the way that makes sense here that I'll see you in there students successful mama