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  1. 2-6 Activity_ Observe Your Anchors + FAQ_ What if my

    day is ... Sun, 3/20 11:26PM 6:44 SUMMARY KEYWORDS pattern, anchors, life, work, rhythm, activity, observe, bedtime, schedule, body, talking, screenshot, day, ate, adjust, brain, angers, rough estimates, hiccups, reset SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 Hey there, Mama. Welcome back to module two, we are talking about our activity. But also I want to hit a quick FAQ that I get a lot is that what happens if my day is just unusual, if you say you work, shift work, maybe you have a newborn, you have some health issues going on whatever extenuating circumstances that you have going on in your life that make your day not super predictable. Patricia Sung 00:22 To that I say, still look for patterns, even though your day is not like a traditional day where other people do the same thing. For one, you're not the only person doing crazy schedule, there's plenty of people who are, you know, working strange hours for their job, and to them, they're not strange. That's just what they do, right? And for some people working like, it's just not Monday through Friday, for some people, it's gonna be weekend, sometimes it's morning, sometimes it's closing, it just depends. Everyone's different, right? It's okay, we're still gonna look for those patterns. Patricia Sung 00:57 Your day is not going to be the same every day, even if you have a similar schedule. Like for me, you know, my son right now is going to preschool Monday, Wednesday, Friday. So my one day Wednesday, and Friday will look more similar. And my Tuesday Thursday looks more similar. But that doesn't mean that my that I don't follow the same kind of pattern. It's not. It's not meant to be like, Can like feeling constricted. What we're aiming for is that are our, our bodies with ADHD, we just don't seem to follow the same rhythm as other people. Patricia Sung 01:37
  2. Patricia Sung 01:37 If we don't have this, like built

    in internal clock that kind of moves us through, like where other people know, like, it's bedtime, and they're tired, and they just go to sleep, a lot of us are like, I'm hitting my second when I'm ready to go. Doesn't matter that it's bedtime, like my brains, like, brilliant ideas are happening right now. Right? We just don't have that same like internal clock that a lot of other people do. What we are doing here is we are creating, like, our own rhythms, where it's not like, it doesn't have to be the same thing every day. Patricia Sung 02:10 But it's that our body starts to know that like, this is how we start days, this is how we proceed through the day. And we start to hit that rhythm of like, again, activity, reset activity reset, it's like the goal here isn't to have seven days that look exactly the same, because that's literally not possible. It's not gonna happen. Okay. So I don't want you to feel like if you have this strange schedule, that you're not going to have a pattern, you do have a pattern, it's just your own pattern. And that's fine. And we're working within your life and your pattern. And you will start to see it kind of come together your your body and your brain will start to adjust and flow. No matter what the pattern looks like. Patricia Sung 02:58 Even if it's like every Thursday is the same pattern, your body will start to know like this is what we do on Thursdays. And it's not every Thursday. It's this is what we do when we open and this is what we do when we close at work. And these are the days where we go help Aunt Sally with our health issues. These are the days where we don't I mean, your your body will start to create these patterns with you. If you're intentional about it, no matter what other things are going on. If this is what you're trying to do, your body and your brain will come along with you. Patricia Sung 03:28 Okay, so that out of the way. And your activity formula, mela head bubble over here. Your activity this week is observing your anchors. I want you to record your thoughts. This could be journaling. Braindumps talking into a recorder app, if you want to just like take a screenshot of your phone of whatever time it is when you think about it, like oh yeah, we're eating lunch right now screenshot of like your home screens that you see about what time it is, like, make this as easy as you can. Patricia Sung 03:59 For the next week, I want you to start to notice, what are your obvious anchors, where are your obvious resets in the day that makes sense for you in your life? Again, there each day might be different that you might have, you might come up with more anchors than you need. And we're going to like, we will adjust as we go. But I just want you to start to observe the pattern in your day, so that you can start to work within the pattern that you already have. I know you're probably like, do I want the pattern I already have?
  3. Patricia Sung 04:31 I don't know, we're gonna find out,

    right? But we're not trying to overhaul your whole life. We're trying to make little changes to what you're doing so that they stick. So we want to work within what you're already doing, and adjust from there because when we try to throw everything we're doing out the window and restartable new thing, it doesn't stick with us. That's not how our brains work. Patricia Sung 04:51 Okay. So that's question number one is just what are your obvious anchors? Where do you see those happening? Patricia Sung 04:57 Question two is when do they occur? rough estimates are fine. You don't need to write down that we ate breakfast at 907. Like, just roughly nine o'clock we ate breakfast. And, again, if you're freaking out about having to eat breakfast at the same time every day, that's not all we're doing here. Calm down, it's okay. We are creating a window of when those things are going to happen. And then step three, what are the patterns that you see? And this is actually like a bigger question. It's not just about your anchors, but I want you to start to think about just the pattern of your day. Patricia Sung 05:32 A lot of times, we think like, we don't have a routine. But sometimes we do have a routine, the routine is chaos. I want you to start to just observe, what are the patterns that you see throughout your day? Where do you notice that you get off track? Where do you notice that things are going well? Where do you notice where your kids are like, they do things without you prompting them? Hopefully at some point? Where are the times where you see things going? Well, where the city and times where you see hiccups? Where, where are those patterns? Patricia Sung 06:05 You see, this is truly like you taking your like, think about like putting on your science coat. We talked about that earlier, put on your lab coat, and I want you to observe the life that you're living right now. Because we're building around who you are. Patricia Sung 06:20 Now, number four is optional. If you want to share like some of the patterns that you're seeing and angers and the times that you have. You can post those in the community under your observations and of course make a plan for when you'll watch your next set of modules. It's
  4. always important to think ahead. And yeah, I will see

    you in the community. Have a great day successful mama