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  1. 6-11 Outline your bucket details - TMM Module 6 Tue,

    3/22 10:57AM 2:32 SUMMARY KEYWORDS bucket, rotating, brain, put, delineated, list, write, rough idea, waves, paper, chains, cleaning, car, reusable grocery bags, fixed, module, stuck, mash, helps, thought SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:01 Hey there successful mama, welcome back to module six. What we're gonna do is we are going to make sure that we have our buckets outline. Patricia Sung 00:10 So we went through with like a rough idea of what is in a bucket and mash it with a packet. But a lot of times our brain will get to this and they're like, Okay, I'm doing my home bucket. And then our brain goes, what does that mean? I don't know. So here's we want to go through and write down the like, actually, like, what's going to happen in those buckets. Patricia Sung 00:35 So like, if you chose a fixed bucket, what needs to happen there, if you if it's your grocery store bucket, what has to happen, write out the steps somewhere like on your phone, you can do it on paper, and write down like, I need to get on my reusable grocery bags and put them in the car, I need to go to the store, I need to buy the things I need to come home, I need to unpack them all put the things away. And have that list written out so that when you go to go to the grocery store, you know exactly what needs to happen. I know this sounds kind of silly. Patricia Sung 01:11 But our brains can get stuck in those details. And when you already written out, it's like one it's already like kind of tucked back in your brain. So that helps. But when you get to that activity, like okay, like for the next month, like you're going to be referring to all these things. I don't know all papers and stuff around them flying around here. We're going to put it all together on one spot here in just a sec.
  2. Patricia Sung 01:32 And but I want you to have

    already clearly delineated that, like when it comes to cleaning day, what does that look like? What am I actually cleaning today? Where are those if it's, you know, if it's a rotating bucket where I have four different weeks, what are the four groups of things I need to do? So I can choose one quickly, and not get stuck in like I don't know what to do in this bucket now. Patricia Sung 01:59 So it's not just the idea of like having an overall plan, but I want you to have like an actual like, listed out steps of what needs to happen in that section. So we've gone through and thought about our waves and our chains, we checked it, we feel like hey, this makes sense. And then we're listing out those buckets knowing whether they're fixed menu or rotating. Patricia Sung 02:20 And then of course, if you're up for it, go ahead and put them in your weekly buckets post in the community. And we'll talk soon.