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MVP Startup Weekend World 2015

Manuel Vidaurre
November 13, 2015

MVP Startup Weekend World 2015

Manuel Vidaurre

November 13, 2015

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  1. MVP: Why we should care A very effective learning tool

    1 Manuel Vidaurre http://about.me/manuel.vidaurre [email protected]
  2. #SWWorld - Manuel Vidaurre - @mvidaurre Customers don’t care about

    your solution. They care about solving their problems 2
  3. 5

  4. #SWWorld - Manuel Vidaurre - @mvidaurre Minimum: The absolute necessary

    features that are needed from day 1 to solve customers’ top problems 7
  5. #SWWorld - Manuel Vidaurre - @mvidaurre Viable: Solve real world

    problems. What will customers “pay” for? 10
  6. 11

  7. 488PSME.BOVFM7JEBVSSF!NWJEBVSSF Types of MVPs • Problem Exploration • Product Pitch

    • Concierge 14 Tests the Riskiest Assumption associated with your Solution Hypothesis (in order of increasing opportunity cost)
  8. 15

  9. 488PSME.BOVFM7JEBVSSF!NWJEBVSSF Problem Exploration An interaction focused on customer’s problems to

    understand past behavior and urgency. (Learn, aka Customer Discovery) 16 Aim: Reproduce Problem Opportunity Cost: Very Low
  10. 488PSME.BOVFM7JEBVSSF!NWJEBVSSF MVP Problem Exploration • Scene of the Customer: go

    where the highest geographic density • Doppleganger: find someone already executing on your idea, do they have paying customers? • Conversation Starter • Menu: if you’re not sure what to build, have a bunch of fake features and see what people click on the most 18
  11. 19

  12. 488PSME.BOVFM7JEBVSSF!NWJEBVSSF Product Pitch Exchange of product for some form of

    currency: time, money, or work. (Confirm, aka Customer Validation) 20 Aim: Collect Currency Opportunity Cost: Very Low to Low
  13. 488PSME.BOVFM7JEBVSSF!NWJEBVSSF Product Pitch 21 Landing pages Asking for cash at

    the end of an interview Video Demos Fake Ads Kickstarting
  14. 488PSME.BOVFM7JEBVSSF!NWJEBVSSF MVP Product Pitch • Decreasing Discount: with a mockup

    you are poised to collect money from customers. When you close your first customer be sure to offer a large discount • Innovator: if there are people out there already solving the problem you’re focused on, find them and see if you can productize their tactics. • Better Alternative: try to sell customers of the existing market leader on why your proposed product is better • Meta: have your customer design the first version of your product 22
  15. 23

  16. 488PSME.BOVFM7JEBVSSF!NWJEBVSSF Concierge Manually delivering on the solution, as a service

    to the customer, to see if the delivery matches the customer’s expectations and makes them happy. (Learn or Confirm) 24 Aim: Deliver Customer Expectation Opportunity Cost: Medium
  17. 488PSME.BOVFM7JEBVSSF!NWJEBVSSF Concierge 25 Wizard of Oz is when you put

    up a front that looks like a real working product, but you manually carry out product functions Pure Concierge. Instead of providing a product, you start with a manual service. The service should consist of exactly the same steps people would go through with your product Piecemeal a blend between approaches. Again, you emulate the steps people would go through using your product – as you envision it. But instead of delivering them manually, you emulate them using existing tools.
  18. 26

  19. 488PSME.BOVFM7JEBVSSF!NWJEBVSSF Charge from day one, but collect on day 30

    • Price is part of the product • Price defines your customers (segmentation) • Getting paid is the first form of validation 28
  20. 29

  21. #SWWorld - Manuel Vidaurre - @mvidaurre Lean startup is about

    Big Vision Think Big Start Small Scale Fast 30
  22. 31

  23. 488PSME.BOVFM7JEBVSSF!NWJEBVSSF References (1) • Ries, Eric. The Lean Startup: How

    Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses. New York: Crown Business, 2011. • Owens, Trevor, and Obie Fernandez. The Lean Enterprise: How Corporations Can Innovate like Startups. Wiley, 2014 • Blank, Steven G., and Bob Dorf. The Startup Owner's Manual the Step-by-step Guide for Building a Great Company. Pescadero, Calif.: K&S Ranch, 2012. • Maurya, Ash. Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works. 2nd ed. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2012 32
  24. 488PSME.BOVFM7JEBVSSF!NWJEBVSSF References (2) • Ramli John, A Landing Page is

    NOT an MVP http://goo.gl/ qG9a5Q • Trevor Owens.10 Awesome MVPs from Lean Startup Machine http://goo.gl/sK4e4B • Lean Startup Machine. Building a successful MVP http:// goo.gl/jUL2Qb • Lean Startup Machine. Identifying and Learning from Your Target Customers http://goo.gl/MwsOO2 • Shardul Mehta, An MVP Is Not The Smallest Collection Of Features You Can Deliver http://goo.gl/3P9de3 33
  25. 488PSME.BOVFM7JEBVSSF!NWJEBVSSF References (3) • Kate Rutter. MVP: What it is

    and why we all (should) care http://goo.gl/ZKsoRK • Kate Rutter. From cold-sweat questions to hot validated learning http://goo.gl/QKoBvt • businessinbeta. I want my MVP! From idea to testable artefact http://goo.gl/TA4gqB • David Binetti. The Art of the Pivot http://goo.gl/biil8j • Hiten Shah. Creating Experiments to Test Hypotheses 34