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GIS-Ready Templates and Data for The National Map

GIS-Ready Templates and Data for The National Map

Kristin A. Fishburn
Andrew J Stauffer

Nathaniel V. KELSO

October 16, 2015

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  1. + GIS-Ready Templates and Data for The National Map North

    American Cartographic Information Society NACIS 2015 16 October 2015 Kristin A Fishburn and Andrew J Stauffer
  2. 1 + Agenda  Communities of Use: Objective  Topo

    TNM Style Template: Description  Topo Combined Vector Product: Description  TNM Derived Names for Topo Combined Vector Product  Demo  Continued Research  Questions
  3. 2 + Communities of Use: Objective  Provide an efficient,

    ‘one-stop shopping’ approach to secure GIS- ready map data configured to US Topo layout and cartographic specifications  Originated with Geologic Mapping Community Of Use (COU) (2011 time frame); Applicable to  Geologic Mapping and Geologic Hazards (GMH) COU  Natural Resources Conservation (NRC) COU  Water Resources COU  USGS scientists  Private industry
  4. 3 + Topo TNM Style Template: Description  Delivered as

    a zip file via TNM Web Site (BETA)  ArcMap MXD  US Topo cartographic specifications  Layout, labeling, and symbology  Service links for imagery and shaded relief layers  Ancillary Data and Files  Tailoring Instructions  Publicly available MGRS data for representing US National Grid and Zone Designations in marginalia  NGTOC-produced table containing data for manually tailoring the map layout  To best emulate the US Topo Map:  Download Topo Combined Vector Product and use shaded relief and imagery services from TNM Viewer  Use the single template for any 7.5-minute Area of Interest
  5. 4 + Topo Combined Vector Product*: Description  Esri File

    Geodatabase containing all vector data themes  Hydrography  Transportation  TNM Derived Names  Structures  Boundaries  Elevation Contours  Woodland Polygons  7.5-min Cells  7.5-min footprint *Note: production of these products is in progress
  6. 5 + TNM Derived Names for Topo Combined Vector Product

     Geographic Names (GNIS) Delivery Formats  Pipe-delimited text files (no change from current delivery)  State and national files  Standalone Staged Vector Product: TNM Gazetteer  Content: Complete content from Gazetteer multi-point (complex features) database  State and national footprints  Topo Combined Vector Product*: with TNM Derived Names*  Content: Filtered and enriched content extracted from Gazetteer multi-point database  7.5-min footprint *Note: production of these products is in progress
  7. 6 + DEMO  Download the Topo TNM Style Template

    and Sample Data (BETA)  http://viewer.nationalmap.gov/tools/topotemplate/  Tailoring the Topo TNM Style Template
  8. 7 + Continued Research  Long Term Continued R&D (FY15-18)

     Pennsylvania State University Research  Improve label placement and MXD performance  Evaluation of multi-scale data, generalization, and cartographic designs  Evaluate extension of current production system  Evaluation of Esri Product On Demand (POD) server technology to extend export of tailored products  Formats; Esri map packet and other formats (e.g. GeoTIFF)  Additional product scales and AOIs  Evaluate OGC GeoPackage
  9. + GIS-Ready Templates and Data for The National Map Questions

    North American Cartographic Information Society NACIS 2015 16 October 2015 Kristin A Fishburn and Andrew J Stauffer
  10. + GIS-Ready Templates and Data for The National Map Backup

    North American Cartographic Information Society NACIS 2015 16 October 2015 Kristin A Fishburn and Andrew J Stauffer