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Deconstructing the myth of workaholics in web t...

Deconstructing the myth of workaholics in web teams

There's a huge misunderstanding in our industry: people think of workaholism as a badge of honour. In reality this is a badge of shame.

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  1. Definition Working for 10 or 12 or 14 or even

    more hours per day, weekends included, for a few months.
  2. On good web teams Workaholics break: - synergy - the

    invisible bonds - 40hrs/week -bit.ly/GJ0uxW -bit.ly/17u5VOS
  3. Power and money is the antidote A need to constantly

    prove to themselves and to others their superiority The profile of a workaholic
  4. The fake glow of workaholism > A shortsighted strategy Skott

    Berkun: Simply outworking other people can have a negative effect on others: that 5x improvement may create a -2x impact on everyone else: if the star demoralizes others and goes out of his way to embarrasses them with his talent, morale and productivity are sure to drop. -bit.ly/109b4xD
  5. Even the most productive employees can't keep working with such

    intensity for too long The fake glow of workaholism > A shortsighted strategy
  6. When a team struggles to cope with an impossible project,

    its members tend to become fighters. This incredible pressure reduces dramatically the overall quality of work and people start competing with each other. The fake glow of workaholism > The worst parts
  7. The team is transformed into a herd and the project

    fails. The fake glow of workaholism > The worst parts
  8. A bitter end: the team is broken and its members

    are deranged The fake glow of workaholism
  9. Not all workaholics are bad people but... the worst ones

    will first appear as workaholics The fake glow of workaholism
  10. Stand your ground Gotta stay awake, gotta try and shake

    off this creeping malaise. If I don't stand my own ground, how can I find my way out of this maze? Pink Floyd - Dogs Fighting workaholism
  11. Fighting workaholism Do you dare to create and lead a

    real team? Stop burning people out