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Avoiding the echo chamber: how feedback leads t...

Avoiding the echo chamber: how feedback leads to more effective, data-driven marketing messages

Product Marketing Alliance

January 20, 2021

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  1. 1 Sarah Din Director of Product Marketing, SurveyMonkey PMM Summit,

    Chicago 2019 How feedback leads to more effective, data-driven marketing messages
  2. 2 About me • Live in San Francisco, CA •

    Product Marketing at SurveyMonkey • Two truths and a lie ◦ I had a pet jellyfish ◦ I have travelled to every single continent ◦ I was in a video with Serena Williams
  3. 4

  4. 7

  5. 8 1999 Launched SurveyMonkey 2012 Launched Audience 2014 Acquired FluidWare

    (now Apply) 2016 Launched CX, Engage 2015 Acquired TechValidate 2017 Launched Enterprise 2018 IPO 2019 Acquired Usabilla, GetFeedback
  6. 9 No cohesive narrative Focused on “features” vs benefits Concerns

    with market perception Inconsistent messages
  7. 10

  8. 11 Process Develop Framework Research Draft Key Messages Test &

    Refine Gather Proof Points Rollout Measure Impact
  9. 13 • Audit of existing content • Competitive research •

    Quantitative + qualitative feedback ◦ from internal stakeholders ◦ from analysts ◦ from existing customers
  10. 14 • Unique value proposition • Competitive positioning • Buyer

    personas • Elevator Pitch • Proof Points
  11. 15 Elements of the unique value proposition Who is our

    audience? Who are the buyers and users? -What is the need? -What is the cost to the customer of not meeting need? “Description of our offering -Solution/benefit statement “We help you, so you can…” Top 3 - 5 core differentiators
  12. 16 Focus Groups Market Research SEM Ads In-product Social Media

    and Display Sales Outreach Email Website
  13. 17 Concept testing • Overall, how do you feel about

    this statement? • How relevant is this statement to your wants and needs? • How different is this from other statements you have heard? • Which of these statements about our online survey business is MOST appealing? Who is our audience? What is the customer challenge? What is our solution/benefit statement? How do we solve their problem? What makes us unique? Target criteria: working professionals in the US with purchasing power Which of these is the MOST important thing you would want from a survey software? Which of these would be MOST helpful from a survey software? When PURCHASING survey software, it's important that a survey platform ...?
  14. 19 • 17.5M+ Active users • 50B+ Questions answered on

    our platform • 2.4M Survey respondents per day • 20M Questions answered daily SurveyMonkey is a market-leading platform that is trusted and well-known. • 84% of customers choose SurveyMonkey because it is easier to use. • 99% of SurveyMonkey customers said that it took little or no training to create their first survey. [source] Our platform is intuitive, easy for anyone to use, and doesn’t require training. “Although this program is designed for surveys, I use it for so much more—Now we don’t waste time and money on expensive programs that don’t meet our needs.” Director, Customer Success, State & Local Government Our platform is flexible/versatile.
  15. 20 • Single source of truth • Roadshow across the

    org • Executive videos • Trainings (live or recorded) • Make it an event + giveaways • Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. • Involve different channel leaders • Audit all marketing channels • Prioritize changes over time INTERNAL ROLLOUT EXTERNAL ROLLOUT
  16. 22 Pro tips • Define your core team & key

    stakeholders • Establish timelines, milestones, & deliverables with XF partners • Create an internal comms plan for consistent communication • Get buy-in from key stakeholders at every major milestone • Use data to drive consensus (if consensus is needed)
  17. 23

  18. 24 Key takeaways • Effective messaging is relevant, authentic, and

    credible • Infuse the voice of your customer into every part of the process • Use a data-driven approach to get consensus and internal buy in