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Is Mojolicious web only?

March 07, 2019

Is Mojolicious web only?


March 07, 2019

More Decks by Renee

Other Decks in Technology


  1. #!/usr/bin/env perl use Mojolicious::Lite; push @{ app->plugins->namespaces }, 'PerlServices::Plugin'; plugin

    'Ticket' => app->config->{otrs}; app->defaults( bodyclass => 'start', active => 'home', ); get '/' => 'static/index'; get '/imprint' => 'static/imprint'; get '/privacy' => 'static/privacy'; get '/jobs' => 'static/jobs'; under '/otrs' => sub { shift->stash(bodyclass => 'otrs', active => 'otrs'); return 1; }; get '/' => 'static/otrs'; get '/support' => 'static/otrs-support'; get '/development' => 'static/otrs-development'; under '/perl' => sub { shift->stash(bodyclass => 'perl', active => 'perl'); return 1; } get '/' => 'static/perl'; under '/academy' => sub { shift->stash(bodyclass => 'schulung',active => 'academy'); return 1; }; get '/' => 'static/academy'; under '/' => sub { my $c = shift; $c->stash( errors => {}, values => {}, ); return 1; }; get '/kontakt.cgi' => 'contact/form'; post '/kontakt.cgi' => \&_send_contact_request; post '/get-in-touch' => \&_send_contact_request; under '/'; any '/*anything' => sub { my $c = shift; $c->redirect_to( '/' ); }; app->start;
  2. $ perl -Mojo -E ' say g("https://act.yapc.eu/gpw2019/talk/7601") ->dom ->at("#talk_abstract") ->text

    ' Mojolicious ist ein tolles Webframework f�r Perl. Aber kann es auch mehr? Ein paar Anwendungsf�lle werde ich im Vortrag zeigen...
  3. $ perl -Mojo -E ' say p("https://api.hetzner.cloud/v1/servers" => { Authorization

    => "Bearer <APITOKEN>" } => json => { name => "Testserver$$", server_type => "cx11", location => "nbg1", image => "ubuntu-18.04" }) ->json("/server/public_net/ipv4/ip")'
  4. use Mojo::DOM; use Mojo::File qw(path); my $file = path('./Badge-4er-tmpl.pure.svg'); my

    @user_pages = _get_gpw_users(); my $page_nr = 0; for my $page ( @user_pages ) { my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new( $file->slurp ); for my $i ( 0 .. 3 ) { say sprintf "Set name %s...", $name; $dom->find('#firstname-' . ($i+1) )->first->content( $firstname ); $dom->find('#lastname-' . ($i+1) )->first->content( $page->[$i]->[2] ); } path('./Badges/Badge.page' . ++$page_nr . '.svg')->spurt( "$dom" ); }
  5. use Mojo::DOM; use Mojo::File qw(path); my $file = path('./Badge-4er-tmpl.pure.svg'); my

    @user_pages = _get_gpw_users(); my $page_nr = 0; for my $page ( @user_pages ) { my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new( $file->slurp ); for my $i ( 0 .. 3 ) { say sprintf "Set name %s...", $name; $dom->find('#firstname-' . ($i+1) )->first->content( $firstname ); $dom->find('#lastname-' . ($i+1) )->first->content( $page->[$i]->[2] ); } path('./Badges/Badge.page' . ++$page_nr . '.svg')->spurt( "$dom" ); }
  6. use Mojo::DOM; use Mojo::File qw(path); my $file = path('./Badge-4er-tmpl.pure.svg'); my

    @user_pages = _get_gpw_users(); my $page_nr = 0; for my $page ( @user_pages ) { my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new( $file->slurp ); for my $i ( 0 .. 3 ) { say sprintf "Set name %s...", $name; $dom->find('#firstname-' . ($i+1) )->first->content( $firstname ); $dom->find('#lastname-' . ($i+1) )->first->content( $page->[$i]->[2] ); } path('./Badges/Badge.page' . ++$page_nr . '.svg')->spurt( "$dom" ); }
  7. CLI

  8. $ perl -Mojo -E ' say g("https://act.yapc.eu/gpw2019/talk/7601") ->dom ->at("#talk_abstract") ->text

    ' Mojolicious ist ein tolles Webframework f�r Perl. Aber kann es auch mehr? Ein paar Anwendungsf�lle werde ich im Vortrag zeigen...
  9. $ mojo get https://act.yapc.eu/gpw2019/talk/7601 \ '#talk_abstract' text Mojolicious ist ein

    tolles Webframework für Perl. Aber kann es auch mehr? Ein paar Anwendungsfälle werde ich im Vortrag zeigen...
  10. $ mojo get https://act.yapc.eu/gpw2019/talks 'td > a[href^="/gpw2019/talk"] > b' text

    Supercharging Math Modules with Databases WebPerl - Perl im Browser! und goto ist sooo nützlich Eine nützliche Quelle für Perl-Code: MySQL Workbench Mojolicious nur für's Web? Schaun wir mal... Darf der das? Regelbasierte Autorisierung in Catalyst Parsen mit Zuversicht Finding humans to turn into developers Gitlab und Perl – Ein Erfahrungsbericht II Mein Jahr mit der DSGVO Moving Mountains With Perl Emacs für Perl-Sourcen: Kleine Tricks Willkommen in München - Welcome to Munich Auf Wiedersehen - vielleicht beim 22. Deutschen Perl-Workshop? Einführung in Encoding mit Perl Was ich beim Advent Of Code 2018 gelernt habe Vue.js for Perl hackers Deploying Perl Apps using Docker, Gitlab & Kubernetes Hacker haben unsere Login-Daten. Was tun wir? Du kannst den Planeten retten. Wie wäre es mit heute Nachmittag? Fun with Macros The Camel Paradox Was ich über SQL gelernt habe Git Tips & Tricks Perl meetup HOWTO session TPF Update node.js in perl - event driven programming including promises via perl/POE static linking of perl OBS - Streamline the delivery of your perl project Perl 6 one-liners Creating a compiler in Perl 6 Perl und SSL für Fortgeschrittene Gatekeepers Perl erweitern mit Nim Freifunk - was ist das und wie entsteht die Software Escape analysis and related optimizations for Perl 6 Understanding react, supply, and whenever PullRequest Club Neuigkeiten von Coocook.org Perl at the Chaos Communication Congress Join all the things with DBIC Scanley Cybrick - APT für jedermann EPO Recording Kits Debugging ist bunt! PerlCon 2019
  11. WIP

  12. #!/usr/bin/perl use Mojolicious::Lite; app->plugin( JSONConfig => { file => app->home->child('..',

    'conf', 'gpw.json'), }); app->plugins->namespaces(['App::GPW::Plugin']); app->commands->namespaces(['App::GPW::Cmd']); app->plugin( 'Utils' ); Mojo::IOLoop->start if !Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; my $gpw = $app;
  13. package App::GPW; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious', -strict; sub startup { my

    $app = shift; $app->plugin( JSONConfig => { file => $app->home->child('conf', 'gpw.json'), }); $app->plugins->namespaces(['App::GPW::Plugin']); $app->commands->namespaces(['App::GPW::Cmd']); $app->plugin( 'Utils' ); } 1;
  14. package App::GPW; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious', -strict; sub startup { my

    $app = shift; $app->plugin( JSONConfig => { file => $app->home->child('conf', 'gpw.json'), }); $app->plugins->namespaces(['App::GPW::Plugin']); $app->commands->namespaces(['App::GPW::Cmd']); $app->plugin( 'Utils' ); } 1;
  15. package App::GPW::Plugin::Utils; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin', -signatures; # … infrastructure code

    … sub register ( $self, $app, $config ) { for my $attr ( qw(...) ) { next if !$config->{$attr}; $self->$attr( $config->{$attr} ); } $app->helper( 'gpw.directory' => sub { $self->_directory( @_ ); } ); $app->helper( 'gpw.workshop' => sub { $self->_new_workshop( @_ ); } ); } 1;
  16. package App::GPW::Plugin::Utils; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin', -signatures; # … infrastructure code

    … sub register ( $self, $app, $config ) { for my $attr ( qw(...) ) { next if !$config->{$attr}; $self->$attr( $config->{$attr} ); } $app->helper( 'gpw.directory' => sub { $self->_directory( @_ ); } ); $app->helper( 'gpw.workshop' => sub { $self->_new_workshop( @_ ); } ); } 1;
  17. package App::GPW; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious', -strict; sub startup { my

    $app = shift; $app->plugin( JSONConfig => { file => $app->home->child('conf', 'gpw.json'), }); $app->plugins->namespaces(['App::GPW::Plugin']); $app->commands->namespaces(['App::GPW::Cmd']); $app->plugin( 'Utils' ); } 1;
  18. package App::GPW::Cmd::add; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Command', -signatures; use Try::Tiny; sub run

    ($self, @args) { my $app = $self->app; my $year = shift @args; $app->log->debug( "Add $year workshop" ); my $error; try { $app->gpw->workshop( $year ); } catch { $error = $_; $app->log->warn( "Cannot add gpw: $_" ); }; return 0 if $error; return 1; } 1;
  19. $ perl bin/gpw add 2018 [2019-03-04 19:33:25.42306] [10000] [debug] Add

    2018 workshop [2019-03-04 19:33:25.42345] [10000] [debug] Get list of talks... [2019-03-04 19:33:25.44091] [10000] [debug] Create directory for 2018 [2019-03-04 19:33:25.44129] [10000] [debug] Selector: /gpw2018 [2019-03-04 19:33:25.44219] [10000] [debug] Get event info from github [2019-03-04 19:33:25.44227] [10000] [debug] URL: https://r... [2019-03-04 19:33:26.16024] [10000] [debug] { "end" => "2018-04-07 17:00:00", "name" => "Deutscher Perl-Workshop 2018", "start" => "2018-04-03 09:00:00" } [2019-03-04 19:33:27.75339] [10000] [debug] Get talk 7271... [2019-03-04 19:33:27.75420] [10000] [debug] Get talk 7272... [2019-03-04 19:33:27.75457] [10000] [debug] Get talk 7280... [2019-03-04 19:33:27.75490] [10000] [debug] Get talk 7277... [2019-03-04 19:33:27.75522] [10000] [debug] Get talk 7299… $
  20. package App::GPW::Plugin::Utils; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin', -signatures; use Mojo::File qw(path); use

    Mojo::JSON qw(encode_json); use Mojo::UserAgent; use Config::Tiny; use File::HomeDir; has base_url => sub { 'https://act.yapc.eu/' }; has github_url => sub { 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Act-Conferences/' }; has conference => sub { 'gpw' }; has talks_path => sub { '/talks' }; has talk_path => sub { '/talk' };
  21. sub _get_act_info_from_github ($self, $c, $year ) { my $url =

    … ; my $app = $c->app; $app->log->debug( "Get event info from github" ); $app->log->debug( "URL: $url" ); $app->ua->get( $url => {} => sub { my ($ua, $tx) = @_; return if $tx->res->is_error; # ... $self->_directory( $c, $year )->child( 'conference.json' )->spurt( encode_json \%info ); }, ); return 1; }
  22. sub _get_act_info_from_github ($self, $c, $year ) { my $url =

    … ; my $app = $c->app; $app->log->debug( "Get event info from github" ); $app->log->debug( "URL: $url" ); $app->ua->get( $url => {} => sub { my ($ua, $tx) = @_; return if $tx->res->is_error; # ... $self->_directory( $c, $year )->child( 'conference.json' )->spurt( encode_json \%info ); }, ); return 1; }
  23. package App::GPW::Controller::Conf; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller', -signatures; use Try::Tiny; sub list

    ($c) { my $confs = $c->gpw->list; $c->stash( confs => $confs ); return $c->render( 'index' ); } sub add ($c) { my $year = $c->param('year'); my $app = $c->app; my $success = $app->commands->run('add', $year); return $c->reply->exception if !$success; return $c->redirect_to( $c->url_for('conf-list') ); }
  24. package App::GPW::Controller::Conf; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller', -signatures; use Try::Tiny; sub list

    ($c) { my $confs = $c->gpw->list; $c->stash( confs => $confs ); return $c->render( 'index' ); } sub add ($c) { my $year = $c->param('year'); my $app = $c->app; my $success = $app->commands->run('add', $year); return $c->reply->exception if !$success; return $c->redirect_to( $c->url_for('conf-list') ); }