M. Biondi, F. Versolatto, A. Maiga, J.-Y. Baudais, F. S. Muhammad, P. Siohan, M. L. Bot, H. Lin, P. Achaichia, G. Ndo, G. Mijic, B. Cerato, S. Drakul, E. Viterbo et O. Isson, " Performance report of optimized PHY algorithms ", rap. tech., projet OMEGA, June 2010. – P. Achaichia, M. Le Bot, P. Siohan, "Multicast Tone Maps: Gains to Expect," HPAV face-to-face meeting, Lannion, March 2012. unrestricted 54 Pierre Achaichia - Contributions to the Improvement of Mulltiuser PLC Home Networks – 10/12/12 – P. Achaichia, M. Le Bot, P. Siohan, "FDM to Improve Point-to-Multipoint Communications in Powerline Networks", HPAV face-to-face meeting, Lannion, March 2012. – P. Achaichia, M. Le Bot, P. Siohan and P.Pagani, "Multicast Tone Maps Performance on Measured PLC Channels", HPAV TWG, April 2012. – P. Achaichia, M. Le Bot, P. Siohan and P.Pagani, "Multicast Communications: Practical Use Cases", HPAV TWG, May 2012.