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Map Meetup #9: See the Future with Evolution an...

Map Meetup #9: See the Future with Evolution and Climactic Patterns and Evaluation

See the future with Evolution and Climactic Patterns!

This meetup will be for reviewing our understanding of a Product Component Evolution .
Every meetup member will present their homework with the applied Evolutions in the industry. We will all together discuss the presented homework.

(The homework was defined on the previous meetup. Feel free to find it in this Meetup's Board Discussions and also on the MapCamp Slack.)

The focus will be on how to understand the evolution of components that are fulfilling a user need, what are the mistakes we usually make and how can we predict the future. We'll be focusing on the homework solutions and what new value can we generate!

Aleksandar Simovic

June 12, 2019

More Decks by Aleksandar Simovic

Other Decks in Business


  1. Map Meetup #9 Map Meetup #9 See the future with

    Evolution and Climactic Patterns and Evaluation
  2. Map Meetup #9 Three sections of a Map Meetup: 1

    Recap of the past few weeks 1I1 Talk about the meetup theme 1I Reiterate the core of Wardley Maps
  3. Map Meetup #9 Homework The Industry (randomly given to you

    at the meetup) Write and define: 
 - Actors (required)
 - Their activities (required)
 - Their needs (required)
 - One value chain for one actor (required)
 - Evolution phases for the value chain components
  4. Map Meetup #9 Homework Draw your maps using some Map

 or draw.io “Assess your component Evolution” Apply how we’ve analyzed the components on your meetup Wardley Maps and put your components in its correct phase.
  5. Map Meetup #9 Climactic Patterns Rules of the Game. 

    Patterns applied across contexts, regardless of user choice
  6. Map Meetup #9 Creative Destruction A process in which an

    invention drastically changes the value chain (or many value chains). 
 Example below:
 - Creative Destruction of the Newspaper Ad Sales 
 - Ads are still provided but by different medium, Value is still created, but in a different way:
  7. Map Meetup #9 Jevon’s Paradox - Efficiency doesn’t mean a

    reduced spend Happens when increased efficiency, counter-intuitively, boosts resource consumption instead of decreasing its usage. It is likely to occur during Industrialization of a component.
 1. More efficient steam engines consumed more coal, because they were applied in more use cases. 
 2. More traffic capacity doesn’t reduce congestion
  8. Map Meetup #9 Apply 5 Climactic patterns on your homework

    map 2. Predict 5 future outcomes Apply 5 climactic patterns and how you expect the market will move and what are the decisions you could make / where could you invest 1. Find 5 “maps in the wild” and describe them Homework