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Product Design For Startups - GFS - Feb 2022

Soham Mondal
February 03, 2022

Product Design For Startups - GFS - Feb 2022

Soham Mondal

February 03, 2022

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  1. Product Design For Startups By Soham Mondal from Triveous 

    http://triveo.us/product_design_gfs Presented at
  2. Presentation Agenda Agenda Introduction 
 Introduction to Product Design 

    Product Design vs UX Design vs Design Thinking 
 Design Process at Triveous 1 What can you do with it? 
 Problems you can solve 
 Common Mistakes you can avoid 
 Agri-Tech Case Study 2 Design Process 
 Test 3
  3. I’m Soham Mondal Founding Partner, Triveous 
 Lead Anchor Mentor

    @ Google For Startups Soham is the Founding Partner at Triveous and brings over 13 years of experience in building and servicing products across like finance, entertainment, education among others. https://www.linkedin.com/in/sohammondal/ 
 https://twitter.com/s0h4m About
  4. Triveous Technologies 
 https://triveous.com/ 2013 2016 2017 Khoslalabs Worked with

    Khoslalabs on a state-of-the-art micro ATM (any Kirana shop owner can act as an ATM teller using their mobile phone) and POS solutions for the underbanked sections of India. EnParadigm and Google Worked with Enparadigm on multiple offline first apps in the insurance and education space. Worked with Google on multiple initiatives in the User Experience and Android Application space. About
  5. 2018 2021 FREND, Novopay and IDEO FREND is a non

    profit backed by Google and Tata Trusts. Worked on designing and developing an offline first application to generate livelihood for over 80,000 women in 300,000 villages across India. Worked with IDEO on a design framework for new internet users. Google AI, Creatorstack and Cutshort Worked with Novopay on multiple financial applications impacting millions of users across India. Worked on state of multiple state-of-the-art products in health, creator economy, recruitment and agri-tech.
  6. Designing Impactful Onboarding Experiences Youtube Talk - Why it is

    so difficult to activate, engage and retain mobile users even though they might have installed a certain app. 
 - Various strategies we can adopt to show novice internet users the value proposition of the product in the first 30 seconds of usage. 
 http://triveo.us/impactful_onboarding_video DETAILS About
  7. Product design is the process of identifying a market opportunity,

    clearly defining the problem, developing a proper solution for that problem and validating the solution with real users.
  8. Product design is the process of identifying a market opportunity,

    clearly defining the problem, developing a proper solution for that problem and validating the solution with real users.
  9. Product design is the process of identifying a market opportunity,

    clearly defining the problem, developing a proper solution for that problem and validating the solution with real users.
  10. Product design is the process of identifying a market opportunity,

    clearly defining the problem, developing a proper solution for that problem and validating the solution with real users.
  11. Product design is the process of identifying a market opportunity,

    clearly defining the problem, developing a proper solution for that problem and validating the solution with real users.
  12. Product design is the process of identifying a market opportunity,

    clearly defining the problem, developing a proper solution for that problem and validating the solution with real users.
  13. Design Process at Triveous Problem Domain Step-1 Step-2 Understand Understand

    the market, ecosystem, stakeholders or product Define Analyse the data, define pain points and needs, artefacts like persona or jobs-to-be- done Process
  14. Step-3 Step-4 Step-5 Ideate Diverge on ideas, converge, prioritise, set

    direction to the solution Prototype Prototype solutions, fail fast, iterate quickly Test Test with stakeholders, fail fast, iterate quickly Design Process at Triveous 
 Solution Domain Process
  15. What can you do with it? What can you solve

    with the design process? What are the problems that you can avoid if you follow the design process?
  16. People install your app but don’t come back to it

    #acquisition #onboarding #product #business
  17. How do I prioritise stories on my roadmap? #process #product

    #business #marketing #tech #operations
  18. Not Understand The Problem It is important to understand the

    problem before jumping into solution mode 08
  19. Not Talking to Users or having a Proper Feedback Cycle

    Not talking to users quickly enough, early enough or frequently enough 07 Not Defining Users/Jobs-to-be-done/Needs Not defining the opportunity, users and their needs/jobs 06 Not Understanding Stakeholders/Market/Ecosystem Have a limited understanding of the market, ecosystem and the various stakeholder 05
  20. Analysis: Not analysing data properly Analyse data to create artifacts

    that assist in the direction of the startup/product 04 Measurement: Too little or too much Not measuring at all or measuring too little or too much. 03
  21. Not Defining Assumptions and Risks Important to discover, define and

    share assumptions and risks early in the startup journey. 01 Delay Validation of Assumptions and Risks Validate these Assumptions and Risks as easily and quickly as possible 02
  22. Typical Mistakes Startups Make 07 Not Talking to Users/Proper Feedback

    Cycle 02 Delay Validation of Assumptions and Risks 03 Measurement: Too little or too much 08 Not Understanding The Problem 01 Not Defining Assumptions and Risks 05 Not Understanding Stakeholders/ Market/ Ecosystem 06 Not Defining Users/Jobs- to-be-done/ Needs 04 Analysis: Not analysing data properly
  23. Understand Various ways of understanding the market, ecosystem, stakeholders or

    the product 05 Not Understanding Stakeholders/ Market/ Ecosystem 06 Not Defining Users/Jobs- to-be-done/ Needs 07 Not Talking to Users/Proper Feedback Cycle 08 Not Understanding The Problem
  24. Design Process at Triveous Problem Domain Step-1 Step-2 Understand Understand

    the market, ecosystem, stakeholders or product Define Analyse the data, define pain points and needs, artefacts like persona or jobs-to-be- done Process
  25. Why Product Research? - Conducting market and user research enables

    you to understand what your users actually need and how the market is like - Good research informs your product, and the fact that it comes early in the design process will save you a lot of resources(time and money) down the road - Plus, with solid research, selling your ideas to stakeholders will be a lot easier. DETAILS 01 Not Defining Assumptions and Risks 02 Delay Validation of Assumptions and Risks 05 Not Understanding Stakeholders/ Market/ Ecosystem 08 Not Understanding The Problem Understand
  26. Product Research Techniques Market Research - What Is the market?

 - Who are your competitors? 
 - Who are the important stakeholders? 01. Qualitative Research - What do users need? 
 - What are their goals and aspirations? 
 - What are the challenges users face? 02. Quantitative Research - How to confirm or reject certain hypotheses? 
 - Statistical analysis of data 03. Understand
  27. People install your app but don’t come back to it

    #acquisition #onboarding #product #business
  28. Problems With This Onboarding Approach Onboarding Problems Value proposition: An

    app’s purpose isn’t always readily apparent. 
 Activation: Primary goal of onboarding 
 Before they achieve action, users are 
 - Trying out the product 
 - Understanding the value proposition, features 
 - Determining if it is a good fit for them 
 Activation is the point at which users "get your product and its value proposition" Complexity: Users will abandon the signup flow if it becomes overwhelming. Assistance: Asking for help isn’t always easy. Language: Is this app or its content relevant to me Understand
  29. Know Know about the product, features 01 Do Perform an

    action in the product 02 Feel Feel happy, confident, connected 03 Believe Believe the product is relevant to me 04 Activation or a Revelation Activation is when people get the value proposition of your app 
 - Understanding value proposition 
 - Relevance to the user Activation Steps Understand
  30. Define How do you synthesise insights from research data? 03

    Measurement: Too little or too much 04 Analysis: Not analysing data properly 08 Not Understanding The Problem
  31. Design Process at Triveous Problem Domain Step-1 Step-2 Understand Understand

    the market, ecosystem, stakeholders or product Define Analyse the data, define pain points and needs, artefacts like persona or jobs-to-be- done Process
  32. People install your app but don’t come back to it

    #acquisition #onboarding #product #business
  33. Jobs-to-be-Done Theory provides a framework for defining, categorising, capturing, and

    organising all your customers’ needs. JOBS TO BE DONE FRAMEWORK
  34. https://jobs-to-be-done-book.com/ 01 Not Defining Assumptions and Risks 05 Not Understanding

    Stakeholders/ Market/ Ecosystem 06 Not Defining Users/Jobs- to-be-done/ Needs 08 Not Understanding The Problem
  35. People install your app but don’t come back to it

    #acquisition #onboarding #product #business
  36. Ideate and Prototype The solution part of Product Design 05

    Not Understanding Stakeholders/ Market/ Ecosystem 08 Not Understanding The Problem 06 Not Defining Users/Jobs- to-be-done/ Needs 03 Measurement: Too little or too much 02 Delay Validation of Assumptions and Risks
  37. Step-3 Step-4 Step-5 Ideate Diverge on ideas, converge, prioritise, set

    direction to the solution Prototype Prototype solutions, fail fast, iterate quickly Test Test with stakeholders, fail fast, iterate quickly Design Process at Triveous 
 Solution Domain Process
  38. Sketching/Sketchstorming Use rough sketches/diagrams to express ideas/potential solutions and explore

    the design space. Scamper Question problems through action verbs (“Substitute”, “Combine”, “Adapt”, “Modify”, “Put to another use”, “Eliminate”, “Reverse”) to produce solutions. Crowdstorming Target audiences generate and validate ideas through feedback (e.g., social media) to provide valuable solution insights. Crazy 8s Force people to come up with 8 ideas in 8 mins Mindmapping Use this graphical technique to connect ideas to problems’ major and minor qualities. Brainstorming Build good ideas from each other’s wild ideas, can be done individually or in groups
  39. People install your app but don’t come back to it

    #acquisition #onboarding #product #business
  40. Testing/Validation How to test your designs? 07 Not Talking to

    Users/Proper Feedback Cycle 02 Delay Validation of Assumptions and Risks 03 Measurement: Too little or too much
  41. Step-3 Step-4 Step-5 Ideate Diverge on ideas, converge, prioritise, set

    direction to the solution Prototype Prototype solutions, fail fast, iterate quickly Test Test with stakeholders, fail fast, iterate quickly Design Process at Triveous 
 Solution Domain Process
  42. Design Process at Triveous Problem Domain Step-1 Step-2 Understand Understand

    the market, ecosystem, stakeholders or product Define Analyse the data, define pain points and needs, artefacts like persona or jobs-to-be- done Process
  43. Step-3 Step-4 Step-5 Ideate Diverge on ideas, converge, prioritise, set

    direction to the solution Prototype Prototype solutions, fail fast, iterate quickly Test Test with stakeholders, fail fast, iterate quickly Design Process at Triveous 
 Solution Domain Process
  44. Typical Product Design Mistakes 07 Not Talking to Users/Proper Feedback

    Cycle 02 Delay Validation of Assumptions and Risks 03 Measurement: Too little or too much 08 Not Understanding The Problem 01 Not Defining Assumptions and Risks 05 Not Understanding Stakeholders/ Market/ Ecosystem 06 Not Defining Users/Jobs- to-be-done/ Needs 04 Analysis: Not analysing data properly
  45. People install your app but don’t come back to it

    #acquisition #onboarding #product #business
  46. Product Design for Startups 01 Introduction to Product Design Introduction

    to Product Design 
 Product Design vs UX Design vs Design Thinking 
 Design Process at Triveous 02 What can you do with it? Problems you can solve 
 Common Mistakes you can avoid 
 Agri-Tech Case Study 03 Design Process Understand 
 Test Summary
  47. Email soham@triveous.com 
 https://triveous.com/ Social https://www.linkedin.com/in/sohammondal/ 
 https://twitter.com/s0h4m Deck and

    Links https://triveous.substack.com 
 At the intersection of Design, Product & Engineering Triveous