8/20/2014 date 50 40 30 20 10 Body weight (gm) 7/11/2014 7/31/2014 8/20/2014 date female DO mice male DO mice DO mice are genetically and phenotypically diverse Alan Attie & Mark Keller Female DO mice Male DO mice
eQTL pQTL RNA-Seq MS/MS eQTL Mapping pQTL Mapping Compare 1 ? How does gene6c varia6on influence protein abundance? Collaboration w/ Gary Churchill (JAX), Steve Gygi, Joel Chick (HMS)
and protein (pQTL) abundance Linear Model 1: y ~ covariates Linear Model 2: y ~ covariates + Q Gene1 exp ~ Sex + Diet + SNP1.geno Marker regression for each of 64,000 SNPs