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Database to Dot Com: Using Query Layers and ArcGIS Online to Maintain Up-to-Date Data

Database to Dot Com: Using Query Layers and ArcGIS Online to Maintain Up-to-Date Data

John Phillips, TxDOT

More Decks by Texas Natural Resources Information System

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  1. FROM DATABASE TO DOT COM Using Query Layers and ArcGIS

    Online to Maintain Up-to-Date Data John N Phillips
  2. Agenda §  Overview of Data Management at TxDOT –  Geospatial

    Roadway Inventory Database –  Oracle Spatial §  Query Layers –  SDO Geometry object –  Custom solutions using query layers §  AGO, Project Tracker, and other downstream uses of TxDOT Data 2
  3. The Astronomical Amount of Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled in Texas

    3 •  ~213,000 miles of road •  120 assets (attributes) to maintain Total Daily VMT Today Total Daily VMT 1985 Daily Truck VMT Today
  4. GRID: Geospatial Roadway Inventory Database 4 §  Custom GIS Database

    Maintenance and Reporting application §  Went live 2 years ago §  Comparable to ESRI’s Roads and Highways Extension
  5. GRID: Geospatial Roadway Inventory Database 5 §  Updates made by

    district personnel §  Minimal GIS Experience necessary §  Uses TxDOT Statewide Planning Map Basemap (based on our current data)
  6. GRID: Geospatial Roadway Inventory Database 6 §  Users can also

    use the Texas Imagery Service (Google) basemap §  Business validation rules help maintain data integrity
  7. GRID: Geospatial Roadway Inventory Database (Back-End) 7 §  Oracle Spatial

    database §  SDO Geometry Object (Similar to Esri’s @SHAPE token) §  Dimensions §  SRID §  Point Information or Line Information (Info Array and Ordinate Array) §  SDO Geometry Object information used for Query Layers
  8. Displaying Oracle Data in ArcMap §  Oracle SDO Geometry Object

    allows direct connection through ArcMap §  Can be useful for visualization, but slow to render and difficult to use due to cryptic database naming conventions §  Read Permission to display, write permission to edit 8
  9. What is a Query Layer? §  A layer or stand-alone

    table that is defined by a SQL query §  Make Query Layer Data Management Tools.tbx > Layers and Table Views §  Queries must be written in SQL style of database you are connecting to (i.e. Oracle, SQL Server, etc.) –  Check Query in IDE §  Uses information from Geometry object to create spatial layer 10
  10. What is a Query Layer? §  Changes in the database

    will be reflected in the in-memory Query Layer (like a spatial table view) §  Save as .lyr file to preserve symbology and query §  Custom column titles and attribute table schema §  Access to much more SQL capability than ‘Select by Attributes’ 11
  11. Custom Query Layer Tools §  arcpy.MakeQueryLayer_management §  Custom SQL queries

    inserted into the Python script §  Tkinter (part of the standard Python installation) §  Easy to make simple GUI 12 Standalone custom export GUI with pre- packaged exports
  12. Custom Query Layer Exports 14 §  Result layer for Reference

    Markers at the end of a segments §  Targeted SQL queries to investigate data
  13. Other Libraries and Customization Options 15 §  Cx_Oracle (Oracle) § 

    Pymssql (SQL Server) §  Custom ArcMap Toolboxes §  Custom ArcMap addin toolbars §  Save coded domain values in database
  14. ArcGIS Online 17 §  Regular exports from production database to

    online services §  Task Manger, Query Layers and ArcGIS Pro (interfaces well with AGO) allow regular updates from production database §  Accurate, up-to-date data
  15. TxDOT Open Data Portal 18 §  Most TxDOT data available

    here for your consumption §  Speed Limits, Functional Classification, Control Sections, Reference Markers, etc. §  www.txdot.gov/opendata
  16. TxDOT Statewide Planning Map 19 §  Custom web map application

    available for internal/external use §  When updates are made, they are reflected in the SPM which is then used as the basemap for GRID
  17. Project Tracker 20 §  View construction status, location, and cost

    information for projects throughout the entire state §  Combines information from six TxDOT systems §  Updates coming with even more data §  Visit the TxDOT Project Tracker booth!